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Deploy Bold BI on an ECS Fargate cluster using an Application Load Balancer


All resources should be in the same security group and VPC.

Steps to deploy Bold BI application on an ECS Cluster

  1. Create the task definition for the Bold BI application using the following details. Follow this document to learn more about ECS task definitions.

    • Requires compatibilities - FARGATE
    • Operating system family - Linux
    • Memory - 4 GB RAM
    • CPU - 2-core
    • Volumes - Add the EFS volume details in the Volumes section EFS Volume
    • Add container - You can refer to this documentation for Bold BI docker image details.
      • Image - syncfusion/boldbi
      • Port mappings - 80 and tcp
      • STORAGE AND LOGGING Container path - /application/app_data Storage and Logging
    • Save the template.
  2. Go to the Cluster and create the service by following below steps: Navigate to = Amazon Elastic Container Service —> Clusters —> Cluster name —> Services —> Create


    • Launch type - Fargate with Latest version Launch Type

    Deployment configuration

    • Application type is service and select the task definition created in Step 1.
    • Desired tasks - 1 EFS Application type


    • Please use the same VPC, subnet, and security group that are used for the Cluster, Load balancer, and EFS. EFS VPC Networking

    Load balancing

  3. Now, create the service. Service Status

  4. Once service is Up and running you can access the Application using Application Load Balancer DNS. Review and Launch

Next Step