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Upgrade to the latest version

Follow these steps to upgrade the Bold BI Azure App service to the latest version:

NOTE: Upgrading to the latest version does not require a license key. However, our services will retrieve the license in the backend after upgrading to the latest version.

  1. Log in to the Azure Portal and select the Bold BI Azure App Service in Microsoft Azure Services.

  2. Choose Advanced Tools in the left panel of the Bold BI Azure App service and then click Go. This will open the KUDU console.

    Kudu Console options

  3. In the KUDU console, click Debug Console and choose PowerShell.

    Kudu Console poweshell options

  4. In PowerShell, navigate to the path C:\home\site\repository\.git.

    Kudu Console repository path

  5. In the Overview section, click Stop.

    Stop Bold BI Azure App Service

  6. Go to the deployment center and click Disconnect. This will open the deployment option.

    Choose Source

  7. Select the External Git in the source option.

    External Repository

  8. In the External Git, fill out the following information:

    Repository - URL

    Branch - latest

    Repository Type - Public

    Deployment option for External repository

  9. Next, click Save. The Successfully set up deployment notification will be shown in the notification blade.

    Finish Deployment

    Success notification of Deployment option

  10. After completing the deployment setup, click Sync in the deployment center blade.

    Sync Repository

    Deployment confirmation

  11. The synchronization progress will be shown in the deployment options blade.

    Synchronization Status

  12. Please wait until the synchronization is completed.

    Synchronization Success

  13. Then, click Start in the Overview section to start the Bold BI Azure App service.

    Start Bold BI Azure App Service

  14. Breaking Changes: This step is applicable only for upgrading Azure App Service from version 9.x to latest.

    • In your Web app, navigate to Settings —> Configuration —> Path Mapping.

      Path mapping

    • Click on the New virtual application or directory option and add the below Physical Path in Path Mappings and Save the settings.

      Virtual Path Physical Path
      /aiservice site\wwwroot\ai\aiservice

      Path mapping Path mapping

  15. Refer to this guide on Integrating Bold Data Hub with Bold BI. This article provides step-by-step instructions to ensure a successful integration of Bold Data Hub with Bold BI.