This section provides instructions for deploying Bold BI in Linux without manually activating licensing and configuring startup from the browser. It also allows for customizing the branding using environment variables.
Steps | Ubuntu | Centos |
1. | Install Nginx sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install nginx | Install Nginx |
2. | Install zip. sudo apt-get install zip | Install zip. sudo yum install zip |
3. | Install GDIPlus package using the following command. sudo apt-get install libgdiplus | Install GDIPlus package using the following command. sudo dnf install sudo yum install epel-release sudo yum install libgdiplus |
4. | Install the Python3 for ETL service by running the following command: Ubuntu Version:22.04 : sudo apt-get install -y python3 Ubuntu Version:20.04 : sudo apt update && sudo apt install wget software-properties-common && sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa && sudo apt update && sudo apt install python3.9 | Install the Python3 for ETL service by running the following command: sudo dnf groupinstall 'development tools' && sudo dnf install wget openssl-devel bzip2-devel libffi-devel && sudo curl -O && sudo tar -xvf Python-3.9.2.tgz && cd Python-3.9.2 && sudo ./configure --enable-optimizations && sudo make install |
5. | Install python pip by running the below command: sudo apt-get install python3-pip | Install python pip by running the below command: sudo yum -y install python3-pip |
6. | Install pip dependency package for ETL service by running the following command: sudo pip install duckdb===1.1.2 dlt===0.5.4 pymysql pyodbc pg8000 poetry pandas===2.2.2 "dlt[parquet]" "dlt[filesystem]" | Install pip dependency package for ETL service by running the following command: python3.9 -m pip install duckdb===1.1.2 dlt===0.5.4 pymysql pyodbc pg8000 poetry pandas===2.2.2 "dlt[parquet]" "dlt[filesystem]" |
7. | Add an openssl conf path in the environment, if does not exist. export OPENSSL_CONF=/etc/ssl/ | Add an openssl conf path in the environment, if does not exist. export OPENSSL_CONF=/etc/ssl/ |
Please register and download the Bold BI Linux package.
Download the Bold BI Linux package by running the command:
sudo wget {Bold BI Linux package link}
Extract the zip file by running the command:
sudo unzip {Bold BI Linux package zip file}
Change the directory to the BoldBIEnterpriseEdition-Linux
by running the command:
cd BoldBIEnterpriseEdition-Linux
Execute the following command to deploy Bold BI in your Linux machine:
sudo bash -i {new} -u {user} -h {host URL} -n {true} -license {License Key} -databasetype {databasetype} -databasehost {Database server name} -databaseport {database port} -maintaindb {default database} -databaseuser {database username} -databasepwd {database password} -databasename {database name} -email {email address} -emailpwd {Password} -mainlogo {main logo} -loginlogo {login logo} -emaillogo {email logo} -favicon {header logo} -footerlogo {footer logo} -sitename {site name} -siteidentifier {site identifier}
The following variable is necessary to configure a startup application on the backend.
Name | Required | Description |
i | Yes | Installation type - Specify it as new. |
u | Yes | Specify the user or group that manages the service. Make sure this user exists on your Linux server. |
h | Yes | Domain or IP address of the machine with HTTP protocol. |
n | Yes | Setting this to “true” will automatically configure Bold BI with Nginx front-end server. |
license | Yes | License key of Bold BI |
databasetype | Yes | Type of database server to be used for configuring the Bold BI. The following DB types are accepted: 1. mssql – Microsoft SQL Server/Azure SQL Database 2. postgresql – PostgreSQL Server 3. mysql – MySQL/MariaDB Server |
databasehost | Yes | Name of the Database Server |
databaseport | No | The system will use the following default port numbers based on the database server type. PostgrSQL – 5234 MySQL -3306 Please specify the port number for your database server if it is configured on a different port. For MS SQL Server, this parameter is not necessary. |
maintaindb | No |
For PostgreSQL DB Servers, this is an optional parameter. The system will use the database name postgres by default. If your database server uses a different default database, please provide it here. |
databaseuser | Yes |
Username for the database server Please refer to this documentation for information on the user's permissions. |
databasepwd | Yes | The database user's password |
databasename | No | If the database name is not specified, the system will create a new database called bold services. If you specify a database name, it should already exist on the server. |
Yes | It should be a valid email. | |
emailpwd | Yes | It should meet our password requirements. |
usesiteidentifier | No | The variable is optional, and the default value is TRUE. By default, all sites in Bold BI require a site identifier, which differentiates sites on the same domain. That is You can ignore the site identifier by setting the value as FALSE. If the site identifier is disabled, each site requires a unique domain. |
mainlogo loginlogo emaillogo favicon footerlogo | Yes |
If you want to upload the custom image as a logo of the site, you can use these variables. If this environment variable is not present, Bold BI will use its default logo. Type : URL Example : Format : png, svg, jpg, jpeg Note: Enter the image URL for all the variables. If the value is given to any of the variables, you must consider other variables also a required field. |
sitename | Yes | If you want to customize the site name, enter the site name as a value. The default site name is Bold BI Enterprise Dashboards |
siteidentifier | Yes | If you want to customize the identifier name, enter the identifier name as a value. The default identifier name is site1 |
optionallibs | No | To install the client libraries, provide the values as a comma-separated string. The client libraries used in Bold BI are "mongodb,influxdb,snowflake,mysql,oracle,google,clickhouse". You need to add the names only for the libraries, which you are consenting to use with Bold BI application. |
installdatahub | No | By setting this value to "true," the ETL application will be installed automatically alongside Bold BI. If this parameter is not specified, a confirmation pop-up will prompt for the ETL installation. |
Example for silent installation:
sudo bash -i new -u root -h -n true -license Bold_BI_license_key -databasetype postgresql -databasehost localhost -maintaindb defaultdb -databaseuser doadmin -databasepwd boldbi@123 -databasename testing -databaseport 25060 -email [email protected] -emailpwd Admin@123 -mainlogo -loginlogo -emaillogo -favicon -footerlogo -sitename Autodeployment -siteidentifier Branding