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Bold BI Installation and Deployment on CentOS

Deployment prerequisites

  1. Install Nginx.

  2. Install the GDIPlus package using the following command:

    sudo yum install libgdiplus 
  3. Add an openssl conf path in the environment, if does not exist:

    export OPENSSL_CONF=/etc/ssl/

Configuring the Bold BI application

  1. Register and download the Bold BI Linux package from this link.

  2. Update the highlighted URLs in the product.json file, located in {extracted location}/boldbi/app_data/configuration/.

    Product Json

    Application Url
    Idp https://{Domain or IP address of the machine}
    Bi https://{Domain or IP address of the machine}/bi
    BiDesigner https://{Domain or IP address of the machine}/bi/designer
  3. Create a boldbi-embedded folder in the Linux Server inside the /var/www/ directory and place the extracted files.

    NOTE: Please create the /var/www folder, if doesn’t exist.

  4. Provide executable permission to dotnet file, located in /var/www/boldbi-embedded/dotnet/:

    sudo chmod +x /var/www/boldbi-embedded/dotnet/dotnet  
  5. Once the libraries are installed, please make the following changes in all service files.

    a. Update the user account that manages the service.

    Update User Account

    b. Add the following line: Environment=LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib.

    Add Environment

  6. Change the ownership of all directories to user or group:

    sudo chown -R {{username or group}} /var/www/boldbi-embedded/   
  7. Copy the service files to the /etc/systemd/system folder.

  8. Enable all the services by running the following commands:

    sudo systemctl enable bold-id-web
    sudo systemctl enable bold-id-api
    sudo systemctl enable bold-ums-web
    sudo systemctl enable bold-bi-web
    sudo systemctl enable bold-bi-api
    sudo systemctl enable bold-bi-jobs
    sudo systemctl enable bold-bi-designer
  9. Start all the services by running the following commands:

    sudo systemctl start bold-id-web
    sudo systemctl start bold-id-api
    sudo systemctl start bold-ums-web
    sudo systemctl start bold-bi-web
    sudo systemctl start bold-bi-api
    sudo systemctl start bold-bi-jobs
    sudo systemctl start bold-bi-designer
  10. Run the following commands to check the status of the services:

    sudo systemctl status bold-id-web
    sudo systemctl status bold-id-api
    sudo systemctl status bold-ums-web
    sudo systemctl status bold-bi-web
    sudo systemctl status bold-bi-api
    sudo systemctl status bold-bi-jobs
    sudo systemctl status bold-bi-designer

Configure Nginx

  1. To configure Nginx as a reverse proxy to forward requests to the Bold BI app, copy the Nginx configuration file from the {extracted location}/boldbi-nginx-config to /etc/nginx/conf.d folder.

  2. Rename the Nginx configuration file to boldbi-nginx-config.conf.

  3. Once the Nginx configuration is established, run the sudo nginx -t to verify the syntax of the configuration files.

  4. If the configuration file test is successful, force the Nginx to pick up the changes by running the sudo nginx -s reload.

  5. If this is the first site you are configuring in the server, then please run the following command to allow httpd to make connections to modules.

    sudo setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1   

Next steps