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Overview and system requirements for Bold BI

Bold BI is an all-inclusive solution designed for creating, managing, and sharing business dashboards. This powerful dashboard server application allows for easy composition, management, and sharing of dashboards.

Prerequisites for Windows

Hardware requirements

The following hardware requirements are necessary to run the Bold BI Enterprise edition:

  • Operating System: Windows Client OS 8+ and Windows Server OS 2012 R2+.
  • CPU: 2-core, 2.4 GHz or faster, and 32-bit or 64-bit processor.
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM for 32-bit or 64-bit.
  • Hard drive: 1.2 GB of free space (only installation files).

Software requirements

The following software requirements are necessary to run the Bold BI Enterprise edition:

Prerequisites for Linux

Hardware requirements

The following hardware requirements are necessary to run the Bold BI Enterprise edition:

  • Operating System: Bold BI Linux can run on different Linux distributions. It has been verified on the following operating systems:
    • Ubuntu
    • CentOS
    • Oracle 9.2
    • RHEL 9.3
  • CPU: 2-core.
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM.
  • Disk Space: 5 GB or more.

Software requirements

The following software requirements are necessary to run the Bold BI Enterprise edition:

  • Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2012+ | PostgreSQL | MySQL | Oracle
  • Web Server: Nginx or Apache
  • Web Browser: Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, and Chrome.

Registration and Download Process:

  1. Visit the Pricing Page to register and download the Bold BI Enterprise application. On this page, you can view two types of plans. Depending on your needs, you can choose the plan that suits you best.

    1. Self Service BI - Used for deployment as a stand-alone BI platform for internal and external users.

      Bold BI pricing page

    2. Embedded BI - Used for embedding as a complete BI solution within your software applications.

      Bold BI pricing page

  2. Based on your selected plan, you can view cost details in the total summary column.

    Try it for Free

  3. To start a new trial, select TRY FOR FREE.

    Try it for Free

  4. Provide your email address on the registration page and select Download Free Trial.

    Try Bold BI Free

  5. Verify your email address by clicking on the link sent to your email.

    Email Verification Mail

    Verify Email Address

  6. On the Create Password Page, enter a new password for your account and click Continue.

    Create Password

  7. Fill out the necessary information and select Proceed to Download.

    Proceed to Download

  8. You will now be redirected to the downloads page. To download and install Bold BI from this page, choose the file type and click the Download icon.

    Bold BI Download Page

See Also