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Comparison between Embedding SDK vs iFrame Embedding

This section allows to explore the difference between embedding SDK and iFrame embedding with Bold BI and choose the appropriate one that suit your business need.

Embedding SDK iFrame Embedding
Language/FrameWork Javascript Basic HTML
Deploymnet Requires coding knowledge. Simple ifrmae embedding doesn't require the coding knowledge whereas token based iframe embedding requires coding knowledge.
Token Based Embedding Yes Yes
Security Yes Yes
Supported embedding module We can embed below modules seamlessly,
  1. Dashboard
  2. Widgets
  3. Designer
  4. Pinboard
  5. Connection
  6. Datasource
We can embed below modules,
  1. Dashboard
  2. Widgets
  3. Designer
  4. Connection
  5. Datasource
  6. Entire server UI
Customization It offers customizations like
  • Style
  • Appearance
  • Event handling and Methods
  • Theme
  • Filters


It offers limited customizations like
  • Appearance
  • Theme
  • Filters
Embedding sample Component based sample here iFrame based sample here