Search results



This event will be triggered at the beginning of every viewer action, including connection, layout and dashboard rendering, popup opening and closing, refreshing, filtering, exporting, and more.

Name Type Access Description
eventType enum get Will hold the current event type that triggered the event
source object get This will contain the data related to the current event as like below.
1. data
2. element
source.element object get Holds the current event site UI element. If there involves no UI element will be returned as null object get Holds the current event data.


var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
     actionBegin: function (args) {
          // Write a code block to perform an operation on beginning of every viewer actions 

Event Types

Event Types Description
renderLayout This event will trigger when the layout of the dashboard started to render.
renderDashboard This event will trigger when the dashboard started to render.
renderWidget This event will trigger when the widget started to render.
resizeDashboard This event will trigger when we invoke the resize dashboard method or when you resize the browser window.
exportDialogOpen This event will trigger when the export dialog box opens, when you click on the export option in the context menu.
exportDialogClose This event will trigger when the export dialog box closes.
maximizeDialogOpen This event will trigger when the Maximize dialog box opens, when you click on the Maximize icon in the widget header.
maximizeDialogClose This event will trigger when the Maximize dialog closes.
filterOverViewOpen This event will trigger when the filter overview drop-down opens.
filterOverViewClose This event will trigger when the filter overview drop-down closes.
clearFilter This event will trigger when you clear the individual filter in the filter overview.
clearAllFilter This event will trigger when you clear all the filters in the filter overview drop-down.
clearWidgetFilter This event will trigger when you clear the filter in the widget.
exporting This event will trigger when the dashboard exporting gets started.
datasourceConfiguration This event will trigger when the datasource icon is clicked.


This event will be triggered once all viewer actions have been completed.

Name Type Access Description
eventType enum get Will hold the current event type that triggered the event
source object get This will contain the data related to the current event as below.
1. element
2. data
source.element object get Holds the current event site UI element. If there involves no UI element will be returned as null object get Holds the current event data.


var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
     actionComplete: function (args) {
          // Write a code block to perform an operation on every viewer action which completes 

Event Types

Event Types Description
layoutRendered This event will trigger after the layout rendering is completed.
dashboardRendered This event will trigger after the dashboard rendering is completed.
viewDataDialogOpen This event will trigger when the ViewData dialog box opens, when you click on the ViewData option in the context menu.
viewDataDialogClose This event will trigger when the ViewData dialog box closes.
exporting This event will trigger when the dashboard exporting gets started.
exportCompleted This event will trigger when the dashboard exporting gets completed.
clearFilter This event will trigger when you clear the individual filter in the filter overview and gets completed.
clearWidgetFilter This event will trigger when you clear the filter in the widget and gets completed.
Save This event will trigger once the Publish option is clicked in dashboard designer mode.
SaveAs This event will trigger once the Publish As option is clicked in dashboard designer mode.


This event is used to customize headers in the AJAX call before sending them to the designer service.

Name Type Description
args.headers array[] Able to add new payload header.
args.serviceAuthorizationToken string Holds the service AuthorizationToken value
actionType string Holds action type of the ajax call.


var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
     ajaxBeforeLoad: function (args) {
          // Write a code block to add a new payload header. 
          // var header = { Key : 'UserId', Value : '1005'};
          // args.headers.push(header);


This event will be triggered before the dashboard context menu is rendered.

Name Type Access Description
type enum get Will holds the current event type that triggered the event
model object get Holds the dashboard viewer's object.
dashboardPath string get Holds the current dashboard path value.
iconsinformation array set Holds the information about the list of icons to be rendered in the dashboard.
enableComment boolean get Holds the enableComment value.
cancel boolean set Holds the cancel value of the current operation.


var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
     beforeContextMenuRender: function (args) {
          // Write a code block to perform an operation before the dashboard context menu is rendered 


This event will be triggered after the more options icon is clicked in the mobile view of the dashboard banner.

Name Type Access Description
menuItems array get Will holds the array of menu list


var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
     beforeDashboardMobileMenuOpen: function (args) {
          // Write a code block to operate after more option from the dashboard banner is clicked in the mobile view.


This event will be triggered before the URL linking navigations are called.

Name Type Access Description
type enum get Will holds the current event type that triggered the event
linkInfo object set Will holds the linking information
model object get Holds the dashboard viewer's object.
widgetId string get Holds the current widget id information
widgetName string get Holds the current widget name information
cancel boolean set Holds the cancel value of the current operation.


var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
     beforeNavigateUrlLinking: function (args) {
          // Write a code block to perform an operation before the url linking navigation called. 


This event is used to catch any errors that may occur during the embedding process.

Name Type Access Description
args object get Holds the args Object like below.
1. args.errorStatus - Its boolean value if there is an error value is true.
2. args.StatusMessage - Holds the error details
3. args.StatusCode - Holds the status Code of the error.

Example: Try to embed the designer in view mode.

var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
     dashboardId: "5cb065f7-dabb-4b0c-9b45-c60a5730e963",
     mode: BoldBI.Mode.view,
     onError: function (args) {
          // Expected Error details.
          //args.errorStatus will contains true value.
          //args.StatusMessage will contains "Error : Inavlid Embed Mode".
          //args.StatusCode will contains 500 as statusCode     


This event will be triggered when you change the layout of the pinboard.

Name Type Access Description
args object get Holds the Dashboard Viewers Object like below.
1. ServerUrl - BoldBI server URL passed to render the dashboard.
2. itemId - Unique id of the BoldBI Dashboard.
3. dashboardName - Unique name of the BoldBI Dashboard.


var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
     onLayoutChange: function (args) {
          // Write a code block to operate when you change the layout of the pinboard.



This event will be triggered before the datasource toolbar buttons are rendered. You can add or remove buttons in the toolbar with this event.

Name Type Description
args.toolbarButtons array[] Holds the details of datasource toolbar Buttons.
args.toolbarButtons.classSet the Class name of newly toolbar button.
args.toolbarButtons.elementIdSet the Id of newly adding button.
args.toolbarButtons.isActionBtnSet true if the newly adding button wants to be in the group of the action buttons like Save, Cancel and Continue To Dashboard. Default value is false, since new button would be added at end of icon section.
args.toolbarButtons.labelSet the Label of newly adding button.

Example for adding new button in datasource toolbar

var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
     mode: BoldBI.Mode.Datasource,
     dashboardSettings: {
          beforeDatasourceToolbarButtonsRendered: function (args) {
               // Write a code block to add a new button before the datasource toolbar buttons were rendered.
               // args.toolbarButtons.push({
               //   class:'new-button-class',
               //   elementId:'new-button-id',
               //   isActionBtn:true,
               //   label:'External button'
               // });

Example for removing a button from the datasource page

var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
     mode: BoldBI.Mode.Connection,
     dashboardSettings: {
          beforeDatasourceToolbarButtonsRendered: function (args) {
               //  Write a code block to remove an existing button before the datasource tool toolbar buttons were rendered.
               // args.toolbarButtons.forEach(function (button, index, object) {
               //   if (button.label == "Cancel") {
               //      object.splice(index, 1);
               //   }
               // });


This event will be triggered before the datasource toolbar icons are rendered. You can add or remove icons in the toolbar using this event.

Name Type Description
args.toolbarIcons array[] Holds the details of the datasource toolbar Icons.
args.toolbarIcons.classSet the Class name of newly adding icon.
args.toolbarIcons.elementIdSet the Id of newly adding icon.
args.toolbarIcons.enableSeperatorSet true if the separator needed for the adding icon, otherwise set false.
args.toolbarIcons.iconTypeSet the icon type either default for BoldBI font icon or custom for custom or external font icon.
args.toolbarIcons.iconTooltipSet the tool-tip of newly adding toolbar icon.
args.toolbarIcons.labelSet the icon name of newly adding icon.

Example for adding new icon in datasource toolbar

var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
     mode: BoldBI.Mode.Datasource,
     dashboardSettings: {
          beforeDatasourceToolbarIconsRendered: function (args) {
               // Write a code block to add an external icon other than Bold BI before the data source toolbar icons are rendered.
               // args.toolbarIcons.push({
               //   class:'fa fa-comments',
               //   iconType:'custom',
               //   iconTooltip:'Comment',
               //   label:'Comment'
               // });

Example for removing a icon from the datasource toolbar

var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
     mode: BoldBI.Mode.Datasource,
     dashboardSettings: {
          beforeDatasourceToolbarIconsRendered: function (args) {
               //  Write a code block to remove an existing button before the datasource toolbar icons were rendered.
               // args.toolbarIcons.forEach(function (icon, index, object) {
               //   if (icon.label == "Run") {
               //      object.splice(index, 1);
               //   }
               // });


This event will be triggered before the toolbar buttons are rendered.

Name Type Description
args.toolbarButtons array[] Holds the details all the tool bar Buttons.
args.toolbarButtons.classSet the Class name of newly adding tool bar button
args.toolbarButtons.elementIdSet the Id of newly adding tool bar button.
args.toolbarButtons.labelSet the Label of newly adding tool bar button.

Example For adding new button

var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
     mode: BoldBI.Mode.Design,
     dashboardSettings: {    
          beforeDesignerToolbarButtons: function (args) {
               // Write a code block to add an external button before the dashboard banner buttons are rendered.
               // args.toolbarButtons.push({
               //   class:'new-btn-class',
               //   elementId:'new-button-id',
               //   label:'External Button',    
               // });

Example For removing a button

var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
     mode: BoldBI.Mode.Design,
     dashboardSettings: {
          beforeDesignerToolbarButtons: function (args) {
               //  Write a code block to remove an existing button before the dashboard banner buttons are rendered.
               // args.toolbarButtons.forEach(function (button, index, object) {
               //   if (button.label == "Preview") {
               //      object.splice(index, 1);
               //   }
               // });


This event will be triggered before the designer toolbar icons are rendered. You can add or remove icons in the toolbar using this event.

Name Type Description
args.toolbarIcons array[] Holds the details of the designer toolbar Icons.
args.toolbarIcons.classSet the Class name of newly adding icon.
args.toolbarIcons.elementIdSet the id of newly adding icon.
args.toolbarIcons.enableSeperatorSet true if the seperator needed for the adding icon, otherwise set false.
Note: It will not shows at the last positioned icon even if it is enabled.
args.toolbarIcons.iconTypeSet the icon type either default which represents BoldBI font icon or custom which represents custom or external font icon.
args.toolbarIcons.iconTooltipSet the tool-tip of newly adding icon.
args.toolbarIcons.labelSet the icon name of newly adding icon.

Example for adding new icon in designer toolbar

var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
     mode: BoldBI.Mode.Design,
     dashboardSettings: {
          beforeDesignerToolbarIconsRendered: function (args) {
               // Write a code block to add an external icon other than boldbi before the designer toolbar icons were rendered.
               // args.toolbarIcons.push({
               //   class:'fa fa-comments',
               //   iconType:'custom',
               //   iconTooltip:'Comment',
               //   label:'Comment'
               // });   

Example for removing a icon from designer toolbar

var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
     mode: BoldBI.Mode.Design,
     dashboardSettings: {
          beforeDesignerToolbarIconsRendered: function (args) {
               //  Write a code block to remove an existing icon before the designer toolbar icons are rendered.
               // args.toolbarIcons.forEach(function (icon, index, object) {
               //   if (icon.label == "Undo") {
               //      object.splice(index, 1);
               //   }
               // });



This event will be triggered before the dashboard banner icons are rendered.

Name Type Access Description
type enum get Will holds the current event type that triggered the event
model object get Holds the dashboard viewer's object.
iconsinformation array set Holds the information about the list of icons to be rendered in the Dashboard.
enableComment boolean get Holds the enableComment value.
dashboardPath string get Holds the current dashboard path value.
cancel boolean set Holds the cancel value of the current operation.


var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
     dashboardSettings: {
          beforeIconRender: function (args) {
               // Write a code block to perform an operation before the dashboard banner icons were rendered


This event will be triggered by the following actions.

  1. To Publish or Save the new dashboard.
  2. To PublishAs or SaveAs the existing dashboards.
Name Type Description string Holds the unique GUID for the dashboard. string Holds the name of the dashboard. string Holds the description of the dashboard. string Holds the dashboard is public or not.


var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
     mode: BoldBI.Mode.Design,
         beforePublishAs: function (args) {
               //Write a code block to perform an operation before publish the dashboard.
              //Write a code block to perform an operation before publish the dashboard.



This event will be triggered when the save as icon in the filter overview panel is clicked.

Name Type Description
type enum get Will holds the current event type that triggered the event
model object get Holds the dashboard viewer's object.
data object get Holds the current event data.
viewId string get Holds the Id of the view.
viewName string get Holds the name of the view.
cancel boolean set Holds the cancel value of the current operation.


var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
    dashboardSettings: {
        beforeSaveAsViewDialogOpen: function(args) {
            // embedContainerID -> 'dashboard'
            var instance = BoldBI.getInstance('dashboard');

            // Get the dashboard ID from the embedOptions
            var itemId = instance.embedOptions.dashboardId;

            // Get the encrypted filter querystring from the event arguments
            var queryString =;

            // Determine the active-tabbed child dashboard ID if it's a multi-tab dashboard
            var childItemId = instance.isMultiTab ? instance._getActiveChildDashboardId() : '';

            // You can set your view as DefaultView after the default view option is enabled in dashboard settings in the Bold BI server. Otherwise, it will be false as the default value.
            var isDefaultView = true;

            /* Add custom functionality for cloning the view into the dashboard */

            // Call the API method ('saveFilterView') to save as the view and specify a callback function ('callBackFunction') to handle the response and perform further actions.
                'ViewName': 'Filter View name',
                'ItemId': itemId,
                'QueryString': queryString,
                'ChildItemId': childItemId,
                'IsDefault': isDefaultView
            }, 'callBackFunction');



This event will be triggered when the save icon in the filter overview panel is clicked.

Name Type Description
type enum get Will hold the current event type that triggered the event
model object get Holds the dashboard viewer's object.
data object get Holds the current event data.
viewId string get Holds the Id of the view if the view has already been saved.
viewName string get Holds the name of the view if the view has already been saved.
cancel boolean set Holds the cancel value of the current operation.

Example for saving a new view

var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
    dashboardSettings: {
        beforeSaveViewDialogOpen: function(args) {
            // embedContainerID -> 'dashboard'
            var instance = BoldBI.getInstance('dashboard');

            // Get the dashboard ID from the embedOptions.
            var itemId = instance.embedOptions.dashboardId;

            // Get the encrypted filter querystring from the event arguments.
            var queryString =;

            // Determine the active-tabbed child dashboard ID if it is a multi-tab dashboard.
            var childItemId = instance.isMultiTab ? instance._getActiveChildDashboardId() : '';

            // You can set your view as DefaultView after the default view option is enabled in dashboard settings in the Bold BI server. Otherwise, it will be false as the default value.
            var isDefaultView = true;

            /* Add custom functionality for saving the view into the dashboard */

            // Call the API method ('saveFilterView') to save the view and specify a callback function ('callBackFunction') to handle the response and perform further actions.
                'ViewName': 'Filter View name',
                'ItemId': itemId,
                'QueryString': queryString,
                'ChildItemId': childItemId,
                'IsDefault': isDefaultView
            }, 'callBackFunction');

Example for updating the existing view

var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
     dashboardSettings: {
          beforeSaveViewDialogOpen: function(args) {
               // embedContainerID -> 'dashboard'
               var instance = BoldBI.getInstance('dashboard');

               // Get the view ID from the event arguments.
               var viewId = args.viewId;

               // Determine the active-tabbed child dashboard ID if it is a multi-tab dashboard.
               var dashboardId = instance.isMultiTab ? instance._getActiveChildDashboardId() : instance.embedOptions.dashboardId;

               // Get the encrypted filter querystring from the event arguments
               var queryString =;

              // You can set your view as DefaultView after the default view option is enabled in dashboard settings in the Bold BI server. Otherwise, it will be false as the default value.
               var isDefaultView = true;

               /* Add custom functionality for updating the view in the dashboard */

               // Call the API method ('updateFilterView') to update the view and specify a callback function ('callBackFunction') to handle the response and perform further actions.
                    'ViewId': viewId,
                    'DashboardId': dashboardId,
                    'QueryString': queryString,
                    'IsDefault': isDefaultView
               }, 'callBackFunction');



This event will be triggered when an icon from the dashboard banner is clicked.

Name Type Access Description
type enum get Will holds the current event type that triggered the event
model object get Holds the dashboard viewer's object.
target array get Contains the parent element of the selected icon..
name string get Contains the name of the icon clicked.
dashboardPath string get Holds the current dashboard path value.
headertext string get Contains the title of the dashboard.
event object get Returns the current click event information like below. 1. currentTarget - It indicates the current DOM element
2. type - It indicates the click event.
cancel boolean set Holds the cancel value of the current operation.


var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
     dashboardSettings: {
          onIconClick: function (args) {
               // Write a code block to perform an operation after an icon from dashboard banner is clicked



This event will be triggered once the master widget applying and clearing filters are completed.

Name Type Access Description
eventType string get Will holds the current event type that triggered the event.
model object get Holds the dashboard viewer's object. object get Holds the master widget and its filter values details.
type string get Holds the parent event type of the current event.
cancel boolean set Holds the cancel value of the current operation.


var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
     dashboardSettings: {
          onInteraction: function (args) {
               // Write a code block to operate after a master widget interaction is completed.



This event will be triggered when the “view saved filters” icon in the filter overview panel is clicked.

Name Type Description
type enum get Will holds the current event type that triggered the event
model object get Holds the dashboard viewer's object.
viewInfos array get Retrieves the array of views information.
data object get Holds the current event data.
target array get Holds the target of the current element in html.
cancel boolean set Holds the cancel value of the current operation.


var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
     dashboardSettings: {
          onViewSavedFiltersClick: function(args) {
               // Retrieves the array of view information from 'args.viewInfos' and perform further actions.
               console.log(args.viewInfos); //The 'args.viewInfos' contains a list of views in the form of an array.


This event will be triggered when the designer toolbar icon/button is clicked.

Name Type Access Description
click string get Holds the name of the icon/button clicked.
model object get Holds the dashboard designer's object.
target array get Contains the parent element of the selected icon/button.
type enum get Holds the current event type.
cancel boolean set Holds the cancel value of the current operation.


var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
     mode: BoldBI.Mode.Design,
     dashboardSettings: {
          toolbarClick: function (args) {
               // if ( == "Copy")
                    // Write a code block to perform an operation when the Copy icon from designer toolbar is clicked.
               // if ( == "Preview")
                    // Write a code block to perform an operation when the Preview button from designer toolbar is clicked.



This event will be triggered after the save action of the data source is called.

Name Type Access Description
eventType enum get Will holds the current event type that triggered the event
model object get Holds the Data source Viewer's Object.
designer object get Holds the information about the dashboard designer .
dataSourceId string get Holds the current data source id.
schema object get Holds the current data source schema information such as data base table name, table Id, and so on.
status boolean get Holds the status of the data source save action
cancel boolean set Holds the cancel value of the current operation.


var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
     mode: BoldBI.Mode.Datasource,
     afterDatasourceSave: function (args) {
          // Write a code block to perform an operation after the data source save action is called


This event will be triggered before the save action of the data source is called.

Name Type Access Description
eventType enum get Will holds the current event type that triggered the event
model object get Holds the Data source Viewer's Object.
designer object get Holds the information about the dashboard designer.
cancel boolean set Holds the cancel value of the current operation.


var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
     mode: BoldBI.Mode.Datasource,
     beforeDatasourceSave: function (args) {
          // Write a code block to perform an operation before the data source save action is called 



This event will be triggered after the filter has been applied.

Name Type Access Description
eventType enum get Will holds the current event type that triggered the event
model object get Holds the dashboard viewer's object.
source object get This will contain the data related to the current event
1. element - Which holds the DOM element.
2. data object get Holds the current event data. string get Holds the interacted widget name information object get Holds the Widget properties of interacted widget as like,UniqueId which represent Widget Id of the interacted widget. array set Holds the filter values of interacted widget and able to modify the filter values here.
cancel boolean set Holds the cancel value of the current operation.


var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
     afterFilterApply: function (args) {
          // Write a code block to operate after the filter is applied.


This event will be triggered before the filter is applied.

Name Type Access Description
eventType enum get Holds the current event type that triggered the event
model object get Holds the dashboard viewer's object.
source object get This will contain the data related to the current event as like below.
1. element - Which holds the DOM elements.
2. data object get Holds the current event data. string get Holds the interacted widget name information object get Holds the Widget properties of interacted widget as like below.
1. UniqueId - It denotes the interacted widget Id array get Holds the Filter Values of interacted widget.
cancel boolean set Holds the cancel value of the current operation.


var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
     beforeFilterApply: function (args) {
          // Write a code block to operate before the filter is applied. 



This event will be triggered when you perform the drag widget on the pinboard.

Name Type Access Description
args object get Holds the Dashboard Viewers Object as follows.
1. ServerUrl - Bold BI server URL is passed to render the dashboard.
2. itemId - Unique id of the BoldBI Dashboard.
3. dashboardName - Unique name of the BoldBI Dashboard.


var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
     onDrag: function (args) {
          // Write a code block to operate when you drag the widget from the pinboard.


This event will be triggered when you drop the widget.

Name Type Access Description
args object get Holds the Dashboard Viewers Object as follows.
1. ServerUrl - Bold BI server URL is passed to render the dashboard.
2. itemId - Unique id of the BoldBI Dashboard.
3. dashboardName - Unique name of the BoldBI Dashboard.


var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
     onDrop: function (args) {
          // Write a code block to operate when you drop the widget in the pinboard.


This event will be triggered when you resize the pinboard.

Name Type Access Description
args object get Holds the Dashboard Viewers Object like below.
1. ServerUrl - BoldBI server URL passed to render the dashboard.
2. itemId - Unique id of the BoldBI Dashboard.
3. dashboardName - Unique name of the BoldBI Dashboard.


var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
     onResize: function (args) {
          // Write a code block to operate when you resize the pinboard.


This event will be triggered when you remove the widget from the pinboard.

Name Type Access Description
args object get Holds the Dashboard Viewers Object as follows.
1. ServerUrl - Bold BI server URL is passed to render the dashboard.
2. itemId - Unique id of the Bold BI Dashboard.
3. dashboardName - Unique name of the Bold BI Dashboard.


var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
     onUnpin: function (args) {
          // Write a code block to perform an operation click the unpin widget.



This event will be triggered before the widget item panel is rendered. You will be able to remove a specific group or specific widget item in the item panel using the event.

Note: This event will be triggered again if the preConfiguredWidgets API is enabled.

Name Type Description
args.widgetInfo array[] Holds the details of the widget groups like GroupName and GroupId.
args.widgetInfo.Items array[] Holds the details of the widget items like id, tooltip, widgetDisplayName and so on.

Example for removing a existing group

var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
     mode: BoldBI.Mode.Design,
     widgetSettings: { 
          beforeWidgetItemsListed: function (args) {
               // Write a code block to remove an 'Comparison' group before the widget panel is rendered.
               // args.widgetInfo.forEach(function (group, index, object) {
               //   if (group.GroupName == "Comparison") {
               //        object.splice(index, 1);
               //    }
               // });

Example for removing a existing widget from specific group

var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
     mode: BoldBI.Mode.Design,
     widgetSettings: { 
          beforeWidgetItemsListed: function (args) {
               //  Write a code block to remove an 'Bar' widget before the widget panel is rendered.
               // args.widgetInfo.forEach(function (group, gIndex, gObject) {
               //   if (group.GroupName == "Comparison") {
               //        group.Items.forEach(function (item, iIndex, iObject) {
               //             if (item.widgetDisplayName == "Bar") {
               //                  iObject.splice(iIndex, 1);
               //             }
               //        });
               //   }
               // });


This event will be triggered before the widget layout is rendered in the mobile view. You will be able to resize a specific widgets or all widget item using the event.

Name Type Description
category string Specifies which category the widget belongs to, like Filters or Cards.
Id string Holds the current widget id.
model object Holds the dashboard viewer's object.
Name string Holds the current widget name.
size.MobileHeightFactor int Defines the scaling factor for widget height as a percentage.


var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
     widgetSettings: { 
          beforeWidgetLayoutRender: function (args) {
               // Write a code block to operate before widget layout renderd in the mobile view.
               // if (args.category === 'Filters') {
               // This doubles the height of the widget by setting MobileHeightFactor to 2
               //     args.size.MobileHeightFactor = 2;


This event will be triggered before the widget banner icons are rendered.

Name Type Access Description
type enum get Will holds the current event type that triggered the event
model object get Holds the dashboard viewer's object.
widgetInformation object get Holds the current triggered widget information as like below.
1. fontColor - Color of font in widget.
2. fontFamily - fontFamily of the text in the widget
3. type - Indicates the type of the widget like, grid, chart and so on,..
uniqueId string get Holds the current widget id.
iconsinformation array set Holds the information about the list of icons to be rendered in the dashboard.
isFilterWidget boolean get Holds the true, if the current widget is filter.
dashboardComment boolean get Holds the dashboardComment value.
enableComment boolean get Holds the enableComment value.
cancel boolean set Holds the cancel value of the current operation.


var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
     widgetSettings: {
          beforeIconRender: function (args) {
               // Write a code block to perform an operation before the widget banner icons were rendered


This event will be triggered after clicking on any option from the control menu icon.

Name Type Description
type Enum Will holds the current event type that triggered the event
model object Holds the Dashboard Viewer's Object.
header string Contains the title of the widget.
menuItem array Contains array value present in the widget control menu.
widgetId string Holds the id of the widget where the menu icon is clicked.
cancel boolean Holds the cancel value of the current operation.


var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
     widgetSettings: {
          beforeWidgetControlMenuOpen: function (args) {
               // Write a code block to perform an operation after control menu icon from the widget banner is clicked.


This event will be triggered when an icon from the widget banner is clicked.

Name Type Access Description
type enum get Will holds the current event type that triggered the event
model object get Holds the dashboard viewer's object.
target array get Contains the parent element of the selected icon.
name string get Contains the name of the icon clicked.
dashboardPath string get Holds the current dashboard path value.
headertext string get Contains the title of the widget.
event object get Returns the current click event information as like below.
1. type - It indicates the type of event, here it is click.
2. currentTarget - It indicates the current DOM element
widgetId string get Holds the id of the widget where the menu icon is clicked.
dataWidgetId string get Holds the id of the widget where the menu icon is clicked.
cancel boolean set Holds the cancel value of the current operation.


var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
     widgetSettings: {
          onIconClick: function (args) {
               // Write a code block to perform an operation after an icon from widget banner is clicked


This event will be triggered after clicking any option from the control menu icon.

Name Type Description
type Enum Will holds the current event type that triggered the event
model object Holds the Dashboard Viewer's Object.
header string Contains the title of the widget.
menu array Contains details of newly added button in widget control menu.
widgetId string Holds the id of the widget where the menu icon is clicked.
cancel boolean Holds the cancel value of the current operation.


var dashboard = BoldBI.create({
     widgetSettings: {
          onWidgetControlMenuClick: function (args) {
               // Write a code block to perform an operation after any option from control menu icon from widget banner is clicked.



This section describes the dashboard properties of the viewer object correctly.

Name Type Access Description
serverUrl string get Hold the Bold BI server URL.
itemId string get Hold the unique id of the dashboard.
dashboardDescription string get Hold the description of dashboard.
dashboardName string get Hold the name of the dashboard is rendered.
environment string get Hold the embedding environment type.
mode string get Hold the mode of the dashboard.


This section describes the data source properties of the viewer object.

Name Type Access Description
serverUrl string get Hold the Bold BI server URL.
datasource string get Hold the unique id of the data source.
datasourceName string get Hold the data source name.
environment string get Hold the embedding environment type.
mode string get Hold the mode of the data source.