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Embed your Dashboard with advanced security

  1. Please specify the domain in which you want to embed the dashboard and select the When the dashboard is embedded option in the Apply these settings section.

    Update Embed settings

    Please ensure that you are using a valid HTTPS URL. The following list provides examples of URLs that are valid for embedded dashboards:

  2. Please find the embed code for the dashboard that you want to include on your website. Dashboard Embedding is a guide on how to obtain the dashboard embed code.

  3. The dashboards can only be embedded on the domains that are listed in the Accept embedding requests from these websites section.

  4. If you embed the dashboards other than the specified domains, it will show the blocked message.

    The blocked message may vary depending on the browser used.

    • Google Chrome

      Chrome does not display any error message for blocked content of embedded dashboards; instead, it simply shows a blank page.

    • Firefox

      firefox error page

    • Microsoft Edge

      Edge error page