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Manage Webhooks in Bold BI Application

Webhooks are user-defined HTTP callbacks that deliver real-time data to other applications when specific events occur. Bold BI supports webhook notifications for Time-Driven dashboard export and Alert-Driven dashboard export.

Create Webhook

This section explains how to create a webhook in the Bold BI Embedded.

Steps to add a webhook

  1. Click the Add Webhook button at the top right of the Webhooks section of the profile page.

    Add Webhook

  2. Provide the required webhook details on the Add Webhook page:

    • Provide a suitable Name for the webhook and Description.
    • Select the event to trigger the webhook. For more details click here.
    • Select the content type in the format in which you want to send the data.
    • Enter the webhook endpoints where the webhook data will be received.
    • Enable authentication to verify the webhook sent by the Bold BI. This is optional. For more details click here.
    • Enable signing to verify the integrity of the payload at the receiver end. This is optional. For more details click here.
    • Select the payload of an event to send in webhook data. For more details click here.

    Webhook Details Page

  3. After providing the webhook details, click on the Save button at the bottom of the page to add the webhook to Bold BI Embedded.

    Save Webhook

Edit Webhook

You can edit created webhooks in the webhook section of the profile page, as well as in the Integrations section of the admin page.

Steps to edit a webhook

  1. Click the Actions button in the webhook grid context menu and select Edit to edit the Webhook.

    Edit Webhook

  2. Modify the webhook details on the Edit webhook page.

    Webhook Details Page

  3. After providing the webhook details, click on the Save button to update the webhook.

    Save Webhook

Delete Webhook

Webhooks can be deleted from Bold BI when they are no longer required.

Click the Actions button in the webhook grid context menu and select Delete to delete the Webhook.

Delete Webhook

Deactivate Webhook

If you want to temporarily stop a webhook without deleting it permanently, you can deactivate the webhook.

Click the Actions button in the webhook grid context menu and select Deactive to deactivate the Webhook.

Deactivate Webhok

Webhook Events, Headers, and Payload


A webhook in Bold BI is triggered for only the two events listed below. You can create a webhook for the following events:

  • Time Driven Dashboard Export
  • Alert Driven Dashboard Export

Webhook Event

Time Driven Dashboard Export

A webhook for Time Driven Dashboard Export can only be configured for normal schedule exports in Bold BI.

Alert Driven Dashboard Export

A webhook for Alert Driven Dashboard Export can only be configured for data alert exports in Bold BI.


System and custom headers are sent along with webhook data to the specified webhook endpoints. When creating a webhook, you have the option to include your own custom headers.

System headers

By default, the headers listed below are sent with each webhook request:

Headers Keys Headers Values
Host <webhook-endpoint>
AcceptEncoding gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3
Accept-Charset utf-8, iso-8859-1; q=0.5, *; q=0.1
User-Agent BoldBI

Custom headers

Custom headers are used to send additional information to the destination URL. Follow the steps below to add a custom header:

  1. Enter the key and value of the header, then click the Add icon to add it to the header record.

  2. To remove the header, click the Remove icon.

    Webhook Custom Headers


The data of the selected event will be sent as a payload; you can send all of it or only the required data by selecting the following options:

When this option is enabled, all data will be sent in the payload.

Webhook All Payload

If you selected a specific payload, only the selected data will be sent in the payload.

Webhook Selected Payload

Webhook Security

The URL for the webhook is publicly available and can be easily accessed by attackers. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that the request comes from a known sender. An attacker could intercept the webhook request and tamper with their own data if this verification is not performed. Several options are provided for securing webhook data.

Webhook authentication

You should enable authentication when creating a webhook to securely send the webhook data and verify whether it is sent from Bold BI or not. Even though it is optional, you are strongly advised to enable authentication.

The following are the two methods for authenticating the webhook URL:


When creating a webhook, you can use password authentication (Basic Auth) to provide the username and password. The credentials (Username:Password) will be Base64 encoded and sent in the Authorization header (Authorization: Basic ).

Webhook Password Authentication


When creating a webhook, users can use API authentication (Basic Auth) to provide the API Key. The API key will be Base64 encoded and sent in the Authorization header (Authorization: Basic ).

Webhook API key Authentication

Webhook Signing

When creating a webhook, you can use request signature authentication to provide the secret key. This secret key is used to sign the payload (HMAC-SHA256), generate a Base64 encoded signature, and send it in the header (x-signature). This can be used to validate the payload’s integrity at the receiver end (X-Signature: ).

Webhook Signing Security