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Import Group for OAuth 2.0

This section explains how to import single group or bulk groups from an OAuth provider and update the authentication settings of OAuth 2.0 in Bold BI.

Select the Import from OAuth option from the New Group drop-down list on the Groups homepage.

Import Oauth groups

NOTE: Before importing an OAuth group, you need to configure the Group Import settings in the authentication settings page. Refer to this link on how to configure OAuth Authorization Settings. This feature is available in On-Premises Deployment but not in Syncfusion Managed Cloud Server.

Import groups

To import the OAuth 2.0 groups, you can use both Dashboard Server and User Management Servers authentication provider. Choose the provider from the drop-down list at the top left corner.

Select Provider

Select the groups from the list and click on Import groups at the top right corner.

Import Oauth groups

Bold BI will import the selected groups and a confirmation message will be displayed as shown in the following figure.

Success message after imported the Oauth groups

The success message box explains the status of the imported groups in Bold BI. Once you click on OK or the Close Icon, the list will be reloaded and the imported groups will disappear.

To update authentication settings

If you wish to update the OAuth settings, select the Provider from the drop-down list and click on Modify. This will redirect you to the respective authentication settings page.

Oauth Authenticate setting page