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To Pin Widgets from Dashboard

This section explains how to pin widgets to Pinboard in the Bold BI application.

Steps to pin Widget to Pinboard

  • A widget can be pinned to the Pinboard by clicking the pin icon on the specific widget.

    Pin Icon Widget

  • The widget name field can automatically be filled with the selected widget name, or the user can rename it.

    Pin Widget Name

  • A widget can be pinned either to an Existing Pinboard or a New Pinboard.

    • Clicking on Existing Pinboard will list the available Pinboards that have already been saved by the user.

    Pin Widget Existing

    • Enter the new Pinboard name for pinning to the New Pinboard.

    Pin Widget New

  • Click Pin, and it will pin the specific widget to the Pinboard.

    Pin Widget Save

    NOTE: Widgets in the Pinboards will have the context of the dashboard, including the user filters and dashboard parameters.