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Manage Admin access to the users

This section explains how to add or remove admin access to users in the Bold ID Server.

Assign Admin Role

To assign the Admin Role, log in to the UMS User management page at {Bold BI URL}/ums/administration/user-management/users using the existing admin credentials.

From the user listing page, select the users to assign the admin role. Use CTRL + Click to select multiple users.

Once you have selected the users, you can choose the Make Admin option.

Select Users from User Management page

After choosing the Make Admin option, a confirmation window will open. Click Yes to assign the admin role to the selected users.

Assign Admin Role Confirmation

Remove Admin Role

To remove the Admin Role, select any user with the admin credentials.

Admin Users confirmation

After choosing the Remove Admin option, a confirmation window will open. Click Yes to remove the admin role for the selected users.

Remove Admin Confirmation