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Manage license in Bold BI

This topic explains how to update the license manually in Bold BI Embedded.

Open your UMS application URL and log in with the Site Administrator account.

Navigate to the Settings -> Manage License.

Please select your preferred method for updating the license.

  1. Update license from Online

  2. Update license from License file

Update license from Online

In the Manage License page, click on Check License.

License Update Settings

From the login pop-up, please log in with your Bold ID account that is linked to your Bold BI subscription.

License Update Login Popup

Once you have successfully logged in, the license will be updated in the application.

Update license from License file

To update the license from a license file, you can use the offline unlock key to activate the account. Please download your offline unlock key here.

Click on the Upload option to upload your license file.

Unlock key option

Select your license file using the option below.

Select Unlcok key file

Once the unlock key is uploaded, click on the Update License button to update the license.

Upload License

Possible errors cases and their solution:

Cases Solution
Invalid File Type Please ensure to upload the valid unlock key file (lic) downloaded from here.
Unlock Key Expired Your unlock key date was expired. Please download the new unlock key file from here.

If you are facing any issues, please contact us for assistance.