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Deployment dashboards

You can publish one or more dashboards to a site while creating that site by setting the deployment dashboards.

NOTE: This feature is available in On-Premises Deployment but not in Syncfusion Managed Cloud Server.

This section explains how to add dashboards to each site while deploying that site in the Bold BI application.

Add deployment dashboards

To add deployment dashboards, follow these steps:

  1. Click the gear icon and go to the dashboard setting page, as shown in the following image.

    dashboard setting page

  2. Click the deployment dashboards tab, where you can find the Add dashboard button at the right corner.

    deployment dashboard page

  3. Click on Add dashboard, which opens a dialog box.

    deployment dashboard dialog

  4. Select the category and dashboard that you need to deploy to each site. Provide a category name, dashboard name, and description to be used on the deployed sites, as shown in the following image.

    Fill the deployment dashboard dialog

  5. Select the checkbox Use category and dashboard name. If you want to publish the dashboard with the source category name and dashboard on the destination sites.

    Use category and dashboard name

  6. You can publish a dashboard with public accessibility by checking the Make Dashboard Public option. This allows anonymous users who have access to the Dashboard link to access it.

    Make public the deployment dashboard dialog

  7. By selecting the lock option, you can lock your dashboard and data source, making it not editable and adding it to the deployment dashboard.

    Lock Option in deployment dashboard dialog

  8. You can view the added deployment dashboards in the grid and receive a success message.

    deployment dashboards in grid view

    deployment dashboard success message

NOTE: You are not allowed to add a dashboard more than once in the deployment dashboards.

Remove the deployment dashboards

You can remove the deployment dashboards by clicking the remove icon and then selecting delete.

Remove the deployment dashboard

Removed deployment dashboard message

Deployment dashboards in other sites

When creating a new site, the deployment dashboards will be added to that site.

You can view the deployment dashboards in other sites as shown in the following image.

Deployment dashboards in other sites