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Email Settings

This section explains on how to configure the SMTP details in the Bold BI Server to send emails.

NOTE: This settings option is available in Bold BI Embedded Analytics but not in Cloud Analytics Server.

  • SMTP Email Settings are required to perform the following operations:

    1. Account Activation --- Sends user account activation email.

    2. Forgot Password --- Sends request links to reset the password when the user has forgotten the password.

    3. Reset Password --- Sends links to reset the password.

    4. Scheduled Dashboards --- Sends the exported dashboard to the scheduled recipients.

  • The following SMTP details are required to send email from the Bold BI Server.

SMTP Server The SMTP server specifies the public IP address or provider which delivers the emails to the end user mail box.
SMTP Port Port number of the SMTP server. It should be vary based on the SMTP server and the connection type(SSL/TLS).
Sender Name The name which is displayed on the email as From name.
Sender Email The Email address which is displayed as From Email address in the user email.
Authentication type We support two type of Authentications,
  1. Basic Authentication – This is the default authentication type which requires the username and password.
  2. Anonymous authentication – You can chose this option if you have disabled the authentication on your SMTP server.
Username Username of the user who has access to send the email.
Password Password of the user.
Enable SSL If enabled, SSL will be used to connect with your SMTP server. Else, the connection will be made with TLS connection.
  • Once filled the email settings connection details, click the Test Connection option.

Email Settings

  • Enter an email address and click Send to ensure that the SMTP configuration is correct.

Send Email