In this article, we will demonstrate how to import tables from a CSV file, merge historical data through transformations, and move the cleaned data into the destination database using Bold Data Hub. Follow the step-by-step process below.
Sample Data Source:
Sample CSC Data
Note: On-Demand Refresh will be triggered when the pipeline is saved. If needed, the pipeline can be scheduled in the Schedules tab.
Go to the Transform tab and click Add Table.
Enter the table name to create a transform table for customer satisfaction summary.
Note: The data will initially be transferred to the DuckDB database within the designated {pipeline_name} schema before undergoing transformation for integration into the target databases. As an illustration, in the case of a pipeline named “customer_service_data”, the data will be relocated to the customer_service_data table schema.
Learn more about transformation here
Creating a long-term service history for customers allows for better understanding of their past issues, service trends, and overall engagement. This helps in improving personalized support and predicting future needs.
We aggregate historical ticket data per customer to compute:
COUNT(Ticket_ID) AS Total_Tickets,
STRING_AGG(DISTINCT Ticket_Category, ', ') AS Previous_Issue_Categories,
MAX(Ticket_Creation_Date) AS Last_Ticket_Date,
SUM(Ticket_Cost) AS Customer_Lifetime_Value,
COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE Ticket_Category IN (
SELECT Ticket_Category
FROM {pipeline_name}.sample_csc_data t2
WHERE t2.Customer_ID = {pipeline_name}.sample_csc_data.Customer_ID
GROUP BY Ticket_Category
)) > 0 AS Repeat_Issue_Flag
FROM {pipeline_name}.sample_csc_data
GROUP BY Customer_ID;