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Reset Application Database for Bold BI version 3.3 or older

You can reset the database of the Bold BI application using this command. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the command prompt and change the directory to the admin utility location:
cd C:\Bold BI\Utilities\AdminUtils


  1. After changing the directory, run the following command to reset the database:
AdminUtils.exe dbconfig -servername "localhost" -databasename "BoldBIMasterDatabase" -u "Admin" -p "Admin@12345" -iswindowsauthentication false -sslenabled false   

IMPORTANT: command details:
servername – SQL server hostname/IP
databasename – SQL database name
u – SQL server username
p – SQL server password
port - port number of Server(Required PostgreSQL only)
iswindowsauthentication – Is windows authentication required (this is optional)
sslenabled – Is encrypted connection required (this is optional)


  1. Once the database has been updated successfully, restart the application in IIS.