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Custom and Auto Hierarchy in Dashboard Widget

Hierarchy allows you to add multiple fields into a single group, making it easier to view a group of data fields that are bound in widgets with a single drag. Hierarchy can be created in the following ways:

  1. Auto Hierarchy.
  2. Custom Hierarchy.

NOTE: Custom and Auto hierarchy can be created from dimension fields and are applicable for grid widgets alone.

Auto Hierarchy

Auto hierarchy generates a hierarchy for all Date fields automatically, along with its supported date formats.

For example, if the data source contains a date field, it generates one hierarchy field automatically in the dimension section, which contains default four child fields named Year, Quarter, Month, Day.

Create Auto Hierarchy

You can drag and drop auto hierarchy into the column container and configure it with a grid widget, as shown in the following image.

Bind Auto Hierarchy

NOTE: Auto hierarchy can be generated for Date fields only.

Custom Hierarchy

Custom Hierarchy helps to create your own hierarchy field from the Dimensions section. You can create a new hierarchy field with the needed child fields, making it easy to view groups of data and bind with widgets using a single field.

How to configure custom hierarchy

Custom hierarchy can be configured by following ways:

  1. Create new custom hierarchy.
  2. Add to hierarchy.

Create new custom hierarchy

The Create New Hierarchy option helps to create a new hierarchy field for the field you want to create in the Dimension section.

Follow these steps to create a new hierarchy in the Dimension section:

  1. When hovering over the dimension field, an action icon will appear at the right end of the field.

  2. By clicking the action icon, a menu popup will open as follows.

    Create Custom Hierarchy

  3. Select the Create New Hierarchy option, and a custom hierarchy will be created for the selected field.

    For example, if you create a new hierarchy for the Address field, a new custom hierarchy called Address hierarchy will be created as the parent field, with Address as the child field.

    Created Custom Hierarchy

Add to hierarchy

Adding another field to an existing hierarchy is achieved through the Add to Hierarchy option.

Follow these steps to add any other field to an existing hierarchy:

  1. When hovering over any other field, an action icon will appear at the right end of the field.

  2. By clicking the action icon, a menu popup will open along with the Add to Hierarchy option.

  3. Hover over the Add to Hierarchy option to see a list of all the created custom hierarchy fields.

    Created Custom Hierarchy

  4. Select any one hierarchy in the listed custom hierarchy to add a child field to it.

  5. After the child field is added to the existing hierarchy, the result will be shown in the following image.

    Created Custom Hierarchy

  6. You can drag and drop custom hierarchy into the column container and configure it with a grid widget, as shown in the following image.

    Bind Custom Hierarchy

How to format custom hierarchy

Rearrange child fields

Rearranging child fields helps to change the order of child fields by dragging the fields back and forth.

For example, you can drag the City field and drop it above the Country field.

Custom Hierarchy Rearrange

Rename parent field

This feature allows you to edit a custom hierarchy parent field by using the Rename option from the action icon list.

Custom Hierarchy Rename

Remove parent field

This feature allows you to remove all fields within a custom hierarchy, including the parent field. This action should be completed through the Remove option in the action icon list.

Custom Hierarchy Remove Parent

Remove Child field

This feature allows you to remove a single child field by clicking the close icon at the right end of the field.

Custom Hierarchy Remove Child