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Perform various actions through Widget Menu

You can perform various widget actions such as Filtering, Linking, Drill Down, and Viewing Underlying Data without resetting the properties or data configuration of widgets each time from Designer. Now, you can configure all required widget actions and perform them from the widget context menu, which will be shown when clicking the respective widget area.

widget with all option

Note: Once you’ve drilled down, you can drill up to the previous view using the breadcrumb navigator located at the top of the widget. widget with drill up option

For the Chart widget, by default, view data support is enabled for all applicable widgets. So, if you select a chart bar without enabling filtering and linking support, it will automatically open the underlying data popup.

widget selection

For example, Germany is selected and its underlying data is opened in a popup.

widget view data

If you enable more than one action for a widget, a context menu will be displayed when clicking the chart bar. For instance, if you have enabled filtering, linking, and view date options for the Chart, you will see the following menus.

widget action with limited menu data

Similarly, if you have enabled all widget actions for the Chart, you will see the following menus.

widget with all option

When clicking Drill Down, it performs the drill-down action.

chart drill down

When clicking Filter, it applies a filter action to its slave.

chart filter action

When clicking Link, it navigates to the respective page as per the linking configuration.

chart linking

When clicking View Underlying Data, it opens the underlying data information.

widget view data