The Dashboard Performance Metrics pop-up allows you to view detailed performance metrics for overall layout rendering and parsing times as well as the processing times for individual widgets. The Metrics
option is available in the drop-down menu located in the upper right corner of the dashboard title section.
By clicking Metrics
option, Performance Metrics pop-up will be displayed as follows.
For the mobile view mode, the option is included as shown below.
Parsing time is measured from the initial load until the successful completion of the load dashboard API method call.
Layout time is calculated from the beginning of the layout render action until just before the widget data fetching call action.
In this section, you can view the processing time for each widget. The overall widget processing time is calculated as the sum of data fetching and rendering time. The total widget processing time will be displayed alongside the widget name.
Data Fetching time includes querying and data processing time of a widget.
This displays the querying time at the moment of a particular widget’s data fetching.
Rendering time is measured from the completion of the data fetching action to the point when the data is bound and displayed in the user interface.
NOTE: The metrics data may vary depending on the data bindings and server responses, and it may also be affected by system performance.