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Dynamic Translator

The Dynamic Translator feature in Bold BI allows you to customize dashboard content in any desired language by inputting translated text corresponding to the original English content. This functionality enhances the user experience by delivering dashboard information in users’ preferred languages. It supports translations for the following items:

  1. Title and Description of the Dashboard
  2. Title, Subtitle, and Description of the Widget
  3. Column Header of the Widget
  4. Title of the Chart Axis
  5. Header of the Tab
  6. Tooltips

Accessing the Dynamic Translator

The Dynamic Translator feature can be found in the toolbar of the design canvas, as illustrated below.

Dynamic Translator icon in Design Page

Click the icon to access the Dynamic Translator window. In this window, the default language content for the dashboard and widgets will be displayed in English, as shown below.

Dynamic Translator UI

Adding a New Language

To add a new language, simply choose your preferred option from the dropdown menu by scrolling through the list or by searching for the desired language. Then, select it to display on the dashboard.

Selected language column

After selecting the language, a new column will appear in the grid for inputting the translated content for that language, as illustrated below.

Enter Translate

We can select multiple languages from the dropdown menu and input the translated word for each corresponding term in the columns of the chosen languages, as illustrated below.

Multiple language column

Translating Content

To insert or modify content in the new language, simply double-click on the relevant table row. This will enable you to enter the translated information directly into the new column.

Enter Translate

Saving and Publishing

Once you have input the translated content for the newly added language, be sure to save your changes.

Translated Content in UI

After saving the changes, you can view the translated content in the preview and publish sections of the dashboard. You’ll see a dropdown menu that lets you switch between languages, with the default language set to en-US.

Language Selection Drop Down

When you select a different language from the dropdown menu, the content will automatically refresh in all applicable sections of the dashboard, as illustrated below.

Language Changed Dashboard

With the Dynamic Translator, you can effortlessly handle multilingual content in your dashboards, providing users with a smooth experience in their preferred language.