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Slack is a popular messaging and collaboration platform for teams and organizations.

Grab User OAuth Token

To set up the pipeline, you need to create a Slack app in your workspace in order to obtain a user token for accessing the Slack API.

  1. Go to your Slack workspace and click on the name at the top-left.

  2. Select Tools > Customize Workspace.

  3. From the top-left Menu, choose Configure apps.

  4. Click on Build (top-right) > Create a New App.

  5. Choose “From scratch”, enter the “App Name”, and select your target workspace.

  6. Confirm by clicking on Create App.

  7. Go to OAuth and Permissions under the Features section.

  8. Assign the following scopes:

    Name Description
    admin Administer a workspace
    channels:history View messages and other content in public channels
    groups:history View messages and other content in private channels
    im:history View messages and other content in direct messages
    mpim:history View messages and other content in group direct messages
    channels:read View basic information about public channels in a workspace
    groups:read View basic information about private channels
    im:read View basic information about direct messages
    mpim:read View basic information about group direct messages
    users:read View people in a workspace

    Note: These scopes are adjustable; tailor them to fit your needs.

  9. From the “OAuth & Permissions” section on the left, add the scopes and copy the User OAuth Token.

Connection Properties

In the YAML file, the configuration section contains the following properties:

Connectorname: Slack
Access_token: Slack Access token


version: 1
encrypt_credentials: false
    - name: Slackk_data
      connectorname: Slack
        access_token: <ACCESS TOKEN>
        - TABLE1
        - TABLE2
        page_size: <>
        start_date: <>
        end_date: <>

Configure the Data Hub to connect Slack

  1. To start, Click the Bold Data Hub icon on the Navigation Pane.

Slack Data Hub - BoldBI

  1. Click Add Project and provide the name for the new project.

Slack Data Hub - BoldBI

  1. Select the newly created project and add the Slack template.

Slack Data Hub - BoldBI

  1. Update the access token in the template. Also, Update the resources on the select property and Click Save, choose the desired destination to save the pipeline.

Slack Data Hub - BoldBI

  1. Creating a Pipeline in Bold Data Hub automatically creates a Data Source in Bold BI. The Bold BI Data Source is a live data source to the destination database used in Bold Data Hub. For more information on the relationship between Bold Data Hub Pipeline and the associated Data Sources in Bold BI , please refer to Relationship between Bold Data Hub Pipeline and Associated Data Sources in Bold BI
The available resources are supported in Slack
- slack 
- channels 
- users 
- get_messages_resource 
- access_logs 


1. The `Encrypt_Credentials` property should be set to false when updating the new access token on the template. If you have modified other properties, such as 'select' or 'account id', the `Encrypt_Credentials` property must be set to true.  
2. The default lifetime of the access token is 1 hour. Therefore, you need to convert it to a long-lived access token in order to use the same token for 60 days. Existing tables should be maintained even if the token has expired or is being used as an invalid token. 

Schedule Data Hub Job

  1. To configure interval-based scheduling, click on the schedules tab and select the created pipeline and click on the schedule icon and configure it.

Slack - BoldBI

Slack - BoldBI

  1. For on-demand refresh, click Run Now button.

Slack - BoldBI.

  1. The Schedule history can be checked using the history option as well as logs.

Slack - BoldBI

  1. Click on Logs to see if the run is completed and data source is created in Bold BI.

Slack - BoldBI

  1. Click Edit DataSource Option to view the created tables.