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The web connector fetches data from a REST API and supports nested JSON fields.


  1. Currently supports Json response.

Connection Properties

The config section in a YAML file includes the following properties:

url: URL
username: Username
password: Password
type: HHTP method either GET/POST
headers: Header parameters
params: Query Paramaeter value
data: Data value 

Configure the Bold Data Hub to connect Web

  1. Click the Data Hub icon on the Navigation Pane.

Web ETL - BoldBI

  1. Click Add Project and provide the new project’s name.

Web ETL - BoldBI

  1. Select the newly created project and add the Web template.

Web ETL - BoldBI

Configuration Parameters

Parameter Description
URL: Specify the URL of the web service from which data will be extracted. This URL should point to the API endpoint providing the required data.
Authentication (Optional): Username: If the web service requires basic authentication, provide the username here. Password: Corresponding password for basic authentication.
Request Type: Specify whether the connector should use the GET or POST method for making requests to the API.
Parameters (Optional): Provide parameters required for the API call in JSON format - key-value pairs. These parameters are typically used for filtering or customizing the data returned by the API.
Data (Optional): If the API call requires any additional data to be sent, specify it here in JSON format - key-value pairs. This data might include payload or request body parameters.
Headers (Optional): Include any custom headers required for the API call. These headers should be provided in JSON format, specifying key-value pairs such as content type or authentication tokens.
  1. Update the details required in the template. and save it to the BoldBI Data Store.

Web ETL - BoldBI

Schedule Bold Data Hub Job

  1. Click Schedules and select the created web project.

Web ETL - BoldBI

  1. For an on-demand refresh, click Run Now.

Web ETL - BoldBI

  1. After, Complete the on-demand refresh.

Web ETL - BoldBI

  1. Click the Schedule option to schedule the refresh hourly.

Web ETL - BoldBI

  1. The data source was created by ETL in Bold BI.

Web ETL - BoldBI

  1. Click the Edit DataSource Option to view the created tables, such as the ‘web_result’ table.

Web ETL - BoldBI

Example Configuration

version: 1
encrypt_credentials: false
    - name: web
      #Json Response only supported
      connectorname: Web
        url: url
        # Basic Authentication
        username: username 
        password: password
        type: get 
        headers: { 'ContentType': 'application/json' }