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Getting Started with the AI Copilot

We recommend watching the following video, which offers essential insights on effectively getting started with the AI Copilot in Bold BI.

  1. The AI Copilot is conveniently located at the bottom-right corner of your window of your dashboard designer and dashboard viewer only.


  1. Cloud users must activate the AI Copilot before they can start using it. For detailed instructions on enabling AI in Bold BI, refer to the Activate AI Feature Guide

  2. After activating the AI Copilot, make sure to attach a datasource to begin interacting with it.

  3. You can easily drag and resize the AI Copilot window to suit your workspace needs.


Note: On-Premise users do not need to activate AI.

Auto-Generated Queries

Once a datasource is connected, the AI Copilot will automatically create four sample queries based on the tables in your datasource. These queries will help you get started quickly.


Monitoring Your AI Usage

You can easily monitor your AI Copilot usage. This includes:

  • The cost for the current session

  • The total cost for today

  • Your remaining usage balance

This helps you keep track of your AI consumption with ease.

NOTE: Usage costs include interactions with the Q&A widget except session usage.

How is the $3 credit applied?

  • We provide an initial $3 credit for the AI Copilot, which is free of charge and will not be billed.

  • Each Bold BI tenant receives its own separate $3 credit, which cannot be shared or transferred between tenants.

  • Whether you have 10 users or 100 embedded users within a single tenant, all AI-related usage will consume credits from the same $3 pool assigned to that tenant.

  • Once the initial $3 credit is exhausted, you can request additional credits by contacting our support team. We will review your request and add credits upon validation.

NOTE: This applies only to users utilizing the Bold BI AI Copilot. Users who choose to use OpenAI or Azure AI will have their AI usage tracked and stored within their own database, instead of being deducted from the Bold BI credit system.

The credits are reduced based on token-based usage, as shown below:

Model Purpose Pricing
GPT-4o Mini Conversations in AI Copilot $0.150 per 1M input tokens
$0.600 per 1M output tokens
Fine-tuned GPT-4o Mini model Widget property updates $0.300 per 1M input tokens
$1.200 per 1M output tokens
GPT-4o model Widget creation $2.50 per 1M input tokens
$10.00 per 1M output tokens

Please note, if your usage is frequent, you may be required to make a payment prior to adding further credits.

AI Usage for Bold BI AI Copilot


AI Usage for OpenAI or Azure AI


Restarting a Session

To restart your AI Copilot session, simply click the restart icon next to the usage icon. This will clear your chat history and give you a fresh start.


Minimizing and Continuing Later

If you don’t need the AI Copilot for a while, you can minimize it and pick up the conversation later without losing your session. Keep in mind that the session will automatically end after 2 hours of inactivity.
