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Dashboard view

This section explains how to embed the Bold BI dashboard into the sample application by integrating the Dashboards Listing, Designing, and Viewing modules.



NOTE: Node.js versions 14.16 to 18.18 are supported.

How to run the sample

  • Please retrieve the sample of the Iframe Dashboard embedding Javascript from GitHub.

  • Please ensure that you have enabled embed authentication on the embed settings page. If it is not currently enabled, please refer to the following image or detailed instructions to enable it.

    Embed Settings

  • To download the embedConfig.json file, please use the provided link as a reference. Additionally, you can refer to the accompanying image for visual guidance.

    Embed Settings Download

    EmbedConfig Properties

  • Please copy the downloaded embedConfig.json file and paste it into the designated location within the application. Make sure you have placed it in the application exactly as shown in the following image.

    EmbedConfig image

    ServerUrl Dashboard Server BI URL (ex: http://localhost:5000/bi,
    SiteIdentifier For Bold BI Enterprise edition, it should be like site/site1. For Bold BI Cloud, it should be an empty string.
    Environment Your Bold BI application environment. (If it is a cloud analytics server, use `BoldBI.Environment.Cloud`; if it is your own server, use `BoldBI.Environment.Enterprise`).
    DashboardId Item id of the dashboard to be embedded in your application
    EmbedSecret Get your EmbedSecret key from the Embed tab by enabling the Enable embed authentication in the Administration page
    UserEmail UserEmail of the Admin in your Bold BI, which would be used to get the Dashboard List
    ExpirationTime Token expiration time. (In the EmbedConfig.json file, the default token expiration time is 10000 seconds).
  • Please open the terminal in Visual Studio code and run the following command to install the http-server package. This package allows the sample to run on a local HTTP server.

        npm install -g http-server
  • Please execute this command to start the HTTP server on a designated port (eg. http-server -p 5555).

        http-server -p <port number>

    NOTE: Replace <port number> with the desired port number.

  • After the server is running, open your web browser and go to the DashboardListing.html file, for example, http://localhost:5555/DashboardListing.html.


How the Sample works

  • To retrieve the embed details of the embedConfig.json file, a request is made using the fetch() function in Properties.js. If the embedConfig.json file cannot be found, the showErrorPopup() function will throw an error.


  • The getToken() function generates an authorization token for the user using their email and the embedded secret key from the apiRequest object in Properties.js. This token will be utilized for listing, rendering, and designing the dashboard. The obtained token is stored in the accessToken variable.


  • The showDashboardListing() function in DashboardListing.js sends a GET request to the dashboardServerApiUrl +"/v2.0/items?ItemType=dashboard" endpoint with the accessToken as the authorization header. The accessToken is obtained from the getToken() function.


  • The dashboards list is retrieved from the server, and then we create the items based on the list.

Viewing an existing Dashboard

  • The renderDashboard() method in DashboardListing.js is called to display the dashboard. It includes the dashboard ID, name, and category in the embedded URL. We retrieve the necessary value from the attribute when the user clicks on the dashboard and construct the embedded URL using this value. We subsequently append this code to the application.


Creating a new Dashboard

  • When the Create button is clicked on the dashboard page, the openDesignerForCreate() function in DashboardListing.js is triggered. This function prepares the environment for creating a dashboard by removing any existing content. Afterwards, it generates an embedded view using an <iframe> element that redirects to the dashboard designer page.



Editing an existing Dashboard

  • The openDesignerForEdit() method in DashboardListing.js is invoked when you click on any dashboard in the dashboard listing container and then click the Edit button. It retrieves the item ID, dashboard name, and category from the properties of the clicked item and uses them to open the dashboard designer page for editing within the “dashboard” element.

