To publish a dashboard to other site(s), follow these steps:
Click Actions
in the dashboard grid context menu and select Publish
to publish the corresponding dashboard.
For the master site, the dialog will be shown with the options of Internal Site
and External Site
Select either Internal Site
or External Site
for publishing the dashboard in the publish dialog and proceed to Next
For non-master sites, the external site publish dialog will be shown directly. Also, publish the dashboard to the internal sites using the external site publish option for the non-master sites.
NOTE: The master site is the first site created during startup in Bold BI, and all other sites are considered non-master sites.
Publish the dashboard to the sites created on the same Bold BI server.
Choose the sites from the drop-down menu where you want to publish the dashboard.
Specify the category name in which you want the dashboard to be published on other sites.
Select the checkbox Use source category name.
if you want to publish the dashboard with the source category name on the destination sites.
Select the checkbox Use source dashboard and data source name
if you want to publish the dashboard and data source with the source dashboard and data source name on the destination sites.
If necessary, provide a description for the dashboard.
Select the check box Lock dashboard editing in published site
if you do not want the published dashboard to be edited on published sites.
Select the check box Lock data source editing in published site
if you do not want the published data source to be edited on published sites.
Select the check box Make dashboard as public in published site
if you want the published dashboard to be public on published sites.
You can choose the owner (who has permission to create dashboard, data source, and category) of the dashboard on the published site using the Advanced
option. If you do not, it will publish the dashboard with a random user (who has permission to create dashboard, data source, and category).
You can individually configure the fields in the Advanced
Use souce category name
box and select a category from the dropdown menu using the Advanced
option.By submitting the form, the publishing process will be started, and you can check the status of the publishing on the Published Resources page.
Publish the dashboard to the sites created in other Bold BI servers and to the internal sites created in the same Bold BI server for the non-master sites using the external site publish option.
Click on +
to add external site.
Fill in the following details as shown in the image below:
You can add both internal and external site client IDs and client secrets here.
For the Bold BI Enterprise server, obtain the site’s Client ID and Client Secret values from the site details page.
NOTE: The dashboards or the data sources cannot be locked while publishing to the external sites. So, the
Lock dashboard editing in published site
andLock data source editing in published site
check box options will not be shown forExternal Site
You can view the status of published dashboards on the Published Resources page. The published resources are listed in the grid and grouped by the dashboard by default.
When you make changes to the original dashboard, you can synchronize those changes to the published site using the synchronize published resource option.
You can view the publishing information of the respective dashboard in a dialog box. Click on Actions
in the grid context menu and select Info
You can view the publishing history of the corresponding dashboard. Click on Actions
in the grid context menu and select Publish History
Published dashboards can also be removed from Bold BI when they are no longer needed.
Click on Actions
in the grid context menu and select Remove
to remove the published dashboard from the list.