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Manage Groups

This section explains how to add, edit, delete groups, as well as how to assign users and manage permissions for groups in Bold BI Embedded.

Groups are collections of users to which permissions can be assigned.

Manage Groups

Add new group

To add a new group, click on New Group in the groups management page of Bold BI.

New groups can be added by providing a name and optional description for the group.

Add Groups

Fill out the form with the name and description, then click on Add. A new group will be created, and you canadd users or manage permissions for it.

Edit group

Group Information can be edited on the group’s edit page. Edit Group Page

Edit Group

The group name and description can be edited on the group edit page. Additionally, users can be assigned or removed from the group on this page.

Delete group

Groups can be deleted if they are no longer needed. You cannot delete the System Administrator group.

From group management page

Clicking Delete from the context menu will delete a single group. Delete group from group management page

Additionally, you have the option to remove multiple groups by marking the checkboxes next to the groups you wish to delete and then selecting Delete Groups in the group list. Delete multiple group from group management page

From group edit page

Delete group from group edit page

Assign users

Users can be assigned to the selected group by assigning the permissions of the group to them.

Assign Users

Add Users

Click Add user to add a new user. It will add the user to both site and respective group.

Add User

You can also add other directory users, such as local, Azure AD, Windows AD, OAuth, and Open ID to any third-party groups. However, those changes will not synchronize with the original directory. They will only be applied in Bold BI groups.

Third Party User Restriction

Users can also be removed from the group if the user no longer needs the permissions of the group. Click on Remove next to the user in the group edit page to remove the user from the group.

You cannot remove users from a third-party group if they were added via the third-party application. However, you can remove users who were manually added from Bold BI.

Assign Users

Manage permissions

The Manage Permissions page for the group can be accessed from any of the following pages:

  1. Click on Actions in the group management grid context menu and then select the Manage Permissions option.

Manage Permissions

  1. Click on the group’s name on the group listing page to go to the group profile page, and then select the Manage Permissions option from the Manage drop-down menu on the group profile page.

Manage Permissions Group Edit

You can view the permissions assigned directly to the group in the manage permissions grid.

Manage Permissions

To add permissions to the group, click on Add Permission.

Add Permission

Steps to add permission to the group

  1. Select the entity.
  2. Choose the scope if the entity is not of the All Resource or All Settings item type.
  3. Select the access mode.
  4. Click on Add to add the specified permission to the group.

You can also choose multiple scopes and entities to assign multiple permissions. For more information on how to add and manage permissions, please visit the Manage Permissions page.