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Manage System Administrator access to the users

This section explains how to add or remove system administrator access for users in the Bold BI Dashboard Server.

Assign System Administrator role

Steps to assign System Administrator role to users

  1. To assign the System Administration Role, navigate to the groups listing page by signing in with the site admin credentials.

  2. Click on the context menu of the System Administrator group and select Add users.

Add User To System Administrative Group

  1. To add new users, fill in the respective user details in the add user dialog and choose Add after filling in the details. This will add the user to both the site and the respective group.

Add User Dialog

  1. Include users who are already present on the respective site by selecting them from the Add user dropdown list.

Add User DropDown

To know more about assigning users to a group from the user listing page, please refer to this link.

NOTE: Assigning a user to the System Administrator role in Bold BI Dashboard Server grants full access to resources and administrative privileges, enabling them to manage users, configure settings, and ensure application security effectively for the respective site. This role allows individuals to control everything within a particular site.

Remove System Administrator Role

Hover over the relevant user on the group view page and click the remove option to remove the System Administrator Role.

Remove User