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Configure Data Cache Settings

This section explains how to configure the Data cache settings to improve dashboard performance by caching widget data during interactions in a Bold BI dashboard.

The Data Cache feature allows you to enhance dashboard performance by caching the result of each widget and storing the cached data in a dashboard for a specified amount of time.

NOTE: This feature is available in On-Premises Deployment but not in Syncfusion Managed Cloud Server.

Mode selection

The mode should be either in-memory or redis. The widget data will be cached based on the selected mode.

Cache configuration

  1. Navigate to the Data Process settings on the server page and select the Data Cache Configuration tab.

    The Data cache can be achieved through two modes:

    1. In-Memory
    2. Redis


    The In-Memory cache is the default cache memory for dashboards. It stores the data in the internal cache storage. You should configure the CacheMode property for the in-memory mode selection.


    The Data is cached in an external server named Redis. Redis is an open-source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store used as a database, cache, message broker, and streaming engine. Learn more about Redis and its installation here.

    DataCache configuration

  2. In Redis mode, find the connection string and test connection options. It will help to check whether it is a valid connection string or not.

    Redis test connection

  3. The data refreshed time is provided on the dashboard view page. Disable the data refreshed time by clicking the checkbox.

    DataCache refreshed time

  4. By clicking the clear cache option, all dashboard cached memory should be cleared when the data cache is in an ON state.

    Clear datacache

NOTE: The Clear cache option is visible only when the cache is present.

Please find more details about Data cache.