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Reset Two Factor Authentication

Please refer to your operating system’s documentation for resetting the Two-Factor Authentication of any user using their email address or username.




  1. Open the command prompt and change the directory to the admin utility location by entering:
cd C:\BoldServices\utilities\adminutils


  1. After changing the directory, run the following command to reset the Two-Factor Authentication:
Syncfusion.Server.Commands.Utility.exe reset2fa -u 'user email or username here'

reset command

  1. Once the Two-Factor Authentication has been successfully reset, the user can log in without Two-Factor Authentication.


  1. Change the directory to the admin utility location by entering:
cd /var/www/bold-services/application/utilities/adminutils/

command linux

  1. After changing the directory, run the following command to reset the Two-Factor Authentication:
../../../dotnet/dotnet Syncfusion.Server.Commands.Utility.dll reset2fa -u 'user email or username here'

reset command linum

  1. Once the Two-Factor Authentication has been successfully reset, the user can log in without it.