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Reset Application Database

Please refer to your operating system’s documentation for instructions on how to reset the database of the Bold BI application.






  1. Open the command prompt and change the directory to the admin utility location.
cd C:\BoldServices\utilities\adminutils


  1. After changing the directory, run the following command to reset the database:
Syncfusion.Server.Commands.Utility.exe dbconfig -servername "localhost" -databasename "BoldBIMasterDatabase" -u "Admin" -p "Admin@12345" -iswindowsauthentication false -sslenabled false -port "5432" -additionalparameters "Pooling=True"   

IMPORTANT: command details:
servername – SQL server hostname/IP
databasename – SQL database name
u – SQL server username
p – SQL server password
port - Port number required for PostgreSQL and MySQL
iswindowsauthentication – Is windows authentication required (Required for MSSQL only)
sslenabled – Is encrypted connection required (this is optional)
additionalparameters - Additional parameters required for database connection (this is optional)


  1. Once the database has been updated successfully, restart the application by following this link.


  1. Open the command prompt and change the directory to the admin utility location.
cd /var/www/bold-services/application/utilities/adminutils/


  1. After changing the directory, run the following command to reset the database:
../../../dotnet/dotnet Syncfusion.Server.Commands.Utility.dll dbconfig -servername "localhost" -databasename "BoldBIMasterDatabase" -u "Admin" -p "Admin@12345" -iswindowsauthentication false -sslenabled false -port "5432" -additionalparameters "Pooling=True"   

IMPORTANT: command details:
servername – SQL server hostname/IP
databasename – SQL database name
u – SQL server username
p – SQL server password
port - Port number required for PostgreSQL and MySQL
iswindowsauthentication – Is windows authentication required (Required for MSSQL only)
sslenabled – Is encrypted connection required (this is optional)
additionalparameters - Additional parameters required for database connection (this is optional)


  1. Once, the database has been updated successfully, then restart the application by following this link.


Single image

  1. Open the command prompt and Bash the container, then change the directory to the admin utility location.
docker exec -it <Container ID or Container name>
cd /application/utilities/adminutils/

Path-command 2. After changing the directory, run the following command to reset the database:

dotnet Syncfusion.Server.Commands.Utility.dll dbconfig -servername "localhost" -databasename "BoldBIMasterDatabase" -u "Admin" -p "Admin@12345" -iswindowsauthentication false -sslenabled false -port "5432" -additionalparameters "Pooling=True"   

Database-reset 3. Once the database has been updated successfully, then restart the application by using the below command:

docker restart <container ID or container name>

Multi container Image

  1. Open the command prompt and Bash the id_web_container container then change the directory to the admin utility location.
docker exec -it <Container ID or Container name>
cd /application/utilities/adminutils/

Path-command 2. After changing the directory, run the following command to reset the database:

dotnet Syncfusion.Server.Commands.Utility.dll dbconfig -servername "localhost" -databasename "BoldBIMasterDatabase" -u "Admin" -p "Admin@12345" -iswindowsauthentication false -sslenabled false -port "5432" -additionalparameters "Pooling=True"   

IMPORTANT: command details:
servername – SQL server hostname/IP
databasename – SQL database name
u – SQL server username
p – SQL server password
port - Port number required for PostgreSQL and MySQL
iswindowsauthentication – Is windows authentication required (Required for MSSQL only)
sslenabled – Is encrypted connection required (this is optional)
additionalparameters - Additional parameters required for database connection (this is optional)


  1. Once the database has been updated successfully, then restart all containers by using the below command:
docker ps 
docker restart <container ID or container name>

Note: Restart all seven containers using the above command one by one from the container name or ID.


  1. Open the command prompt and Bash the id_web_deployment pod, then change the directory to the admin utility location.
 kubectl exec -it <id-web-deployment-pod> -n namespace -- bash
cd /application/utilities/adminutils/


  1. After changing the directory, run the following command to reset the database:
dotnet Syncfusion.Server.Commands.Utility.dll dbconfig -servername "localhost" -databasename "BoldBIMasterDatabase" -u "Admin" --p "Admin@12345" -iswindowsauthentication false -sslenabled false -port "5432" -additionalparameters "Pooling=True"   

IMPORTANT: command details:
servername – SQL server hostname/IP
databasename – SQL database name
u – SQL server username
p – SQL server password
port - Port number required for PostgreSQL and MySQL
iswindowsauthentication – Is windows authentication required (Required for MSSQL only)
sslenabled – Is encrypted connection required (this is optional)
additionalparameters - Additional parameters required for database connection (this is optional)


  1. Once the database has been updated successfully, restart the application using the below command:
kubectl rollout restart deploy -n <namespace>