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Dashboard Migration Utility

This section explains how to migrate Syncfusion Dashboard Platform dashboards and datasources to the Bold BI site using the Dashboard Migration Utility.

NOTE: The Dashboard Migration utility can only be used to migrate dashboards from the Syncfusion Dashboard Server to the Bold BI server. This utility cannot be used to migrate dashboards from the Bold BI instance to another. Instead, you can utilize the Publish Module for this purpose. Please refer to this section for instructions on publishing a dashboard from one Bold BI instance to another. It is not suitable for migrating dashboards from the Syncfusion Dashboard Server to the Syncfusion Managed Cloud Server.

Instruction to use the Migration Utility

  • Download the Dashboard Migration Utility from the provided link provided. Once the download is completed, extract the .zip file.

  • Usually, the contents downloaded from the online link may be blocked by Windows. Therefore, we need to unblock those downloaded contents.

  • Open PowerShell in admin mode and enter the command below to unblock the contents present in the extracted folder. Use the extracted folder location for the dir.

dir "folder path" -Recurse | Unblock-File

Command to unblock the contents

Once the PowerShell execution is completed, proceed to run the Dashboard Migration Utility.

How to run the Dashboard Migration Utility

Run the Migration Utility.exe file.

Run Migration Utility exe file

Once you have run the utility, the following window will open.

Migration Utility Window

Please check the terms and conditions and click Next to start the migration process.

Agree terms and conditions

By default, the Backup option is selected first in the migration process. You can switch to the Restore option if you already have the backup (*.sybak) file locally.

Backup and Restore

Backup Module

In this module, the Syncfusion Dashboard Server dashboards and datasources will be exported to the provided output directory location as a backup file in the .sybak format. From this backup file only, we can restore the dashboards and datasources to the target Bold BI site.

Steps to back up the dashboards and data sources

  • Provide valid credentials like Dashboard Server URL, Username, and Password for authentication.


  • Once the authentication succeeds, the list of Datasets in the Syncfusion dashboard server will be shown below. Here, you can choose multiple items to export by using the checkbox provided.

Datasets list

  • Next, you can see the list of Dashboards in the Syncfusion dashboard server below.

Dashboards list

NOTE: You can skip the whole Datasets/Dashboards option in the backup process by clicking the Skip button.

  • Next, you need to enter the valid Backup file name and Backup Location to export your dashboards/datasets files.


  • Then, the backup process will initiate, and the progress will be indicated.

Backup process

  • Upon successful completion of the backup process, the exported backup file name and its saved location will be shown.

Exported file location

Also, we can continue the restoring process by using the Proceed to Restore button; otherwise, close the application.

Restore Module

In this module, the exported dashboards and datasets will be imported to the target Bold BI site using the backup file (*.sybak).

NOTE: For Bold BI Enterprise, the Migration utility needs to be run from the machine where the Bold BI Enterprise server is installed.

Steps to restore the Dashboards and Data sources

  • Provide valid credentials such as the target Bold BI site URL, username, and password for authentication.

Credential for restoring process

  • Once the authentication succeeds, you can choose the path of the backup (*.sybak) file in the Backup File Location to initiate the restore process..

File location to restore

  • Next, the list of Datasets present in the (*.sybak) file will be displayed below. You can choose the items to restore by using the provided check box.

Select items to restore

  • Then, the list of Dashboards present in the (*.sybak) file will be shown.

Dashboards list in backup file

NOTE: You can skip the entire Datasets or Dashboards option in the restore module by clicking the Skip button at the bottom.

Currently, only live datasource connections (SQL, PostgreSQL) can be imported to Bold BI, while Extract type connections or other connection types are considered as unsupported as of now. If an unsupported datasource connection type exists, an alert with the following message will be displayed, and you won’t be able to choose that unsupported item in the restoration process.

Alert for unsupported connection

If the Dashboard is created from the desktop designer, some Datasource, Widgets, and Features may not be supported in the Bold BI server. These unsupported items will be shown on expansion as below,

Showing list of unsupported items

NOTE: You can still select the dashboards to restore even if they contain unsupported items. They can be restored with the supported items that exist.

  • If Bold BI is not installed in the default location (“C:\Bold BI”), the window below will be displayed to get the Bold BI Installation location.

Bold BI Installation location

  • The restore process will then initiate, and the progress will be indicated.

Restore process

NOTE: If the restored dashboards or datasets are already present in the server, a dialog will prompt you to confirm before proceeding further.

Alert for existing file

  • Once the restoration process is complete, a success message will be displayed as shown below.

Success message for restore completion

  • Click Close to exit the application.