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Pie Chart

Pie charts allow you to display the proportion of each item to the total in the form of pie slices.

Pie Chart

How to configure table data in the Pie Chart

The Pie chart requires at least one value element and one column element to showcase. The measure or expression field that you would like to analyze can be dropped into the Values block. The dimension that you would like to categorize the measure can be dropped onto the Columns block. If you would like to categorize the measure based on a series, then the respective dimension can be dropped onto the Rows block in addition.

To configure data in the Pie Chart, follow these steps:

  1. Drag and drop the Pie Chart to the canvas and resize it to your required size.

Adding widget

  1. Click the Data Source icon in the configuration panel.

Data button

  1. Click CREATE NEW to launch a new connection from the connection-type panel.

Data source button

  1. In the connection type panel, click any one of the listed connection type buttons shown. Here, the Microsoft Excel connection type is selected for demonstration.

Data source list

  1. In the NEW DATA SOURCE configuration panel, choose the file path and click Preview & Connect.

Connect button

  1. Drag your preferred table or view from the left pane from the data design view and click Save.

Virtual table

  1. Click the Properties icon in the configuration panel. The property pane opens.

Designer properties button

  1. Now, switch to the ASSIGN DATA tab.

Assign data

  1. The ASSIGN DATA tab will be opened with available measures and dimensions from the connected data source.

Chart data

  1. You can add the required data from the Measures and Dimensions sections to the necessary field.

Adding values

You can add more than one measure to the Value(s) field by dragging the required field.

Configure measures

Now, the Pie chart will be rendered as follows.

Configured widget

Click the Settings option to change the necessary summary type from the available summary types shown in the Settings.

Pie Chart settings

You can filter the data displayed in the Pie Chart by using the Filter option. For more details, refer to the filter.

Widget filters

You can format the data displayed in the Pie Chart by using the Format option. For more details, refer to the measure format.

Measure format

To remove the added value fields, click the highlighted button.

Remove fields

Adding columns

You can add data from the Dimension field to the Column(s) field.

Adding columns

The pie chart will be rendered as follows.

Configured Pie Chart

Add more than one value to the Column(s) field. The following alert message will open.

Drill alert

You can enable this option to get further details about the selected chart region. To enable drill down, click Yes.

Enable drill

NOTE: If you click No, a single value will be added to the Columns field.

The drilled view of the selected chart region will be as follows.

Pie Chart drilled view

You can change the Settings.

Pie Chart

You can sort the dimension data using the Sort option under the Settings menu list. To apply sorting for data, refer to the [Sort] (/visualizing-data/working-with-widgets/advanced-sorting/#dimension-column).

Pie Chart dimension

You can apply filters by selecting Filter(s) option in settings. For more details, refer to thefilter.

NOTE: By default, the filter will be set for the top 5 records.

Similarly, you can add the Measures and Expressions Columns to the Columns field.

Renaming fields

The configured field names can be edited using the Rename option provided in the settings menu.


Hidden Column

Hidden columns are useful in cases where we don’t want the fields to take part in the visualization, but only to be used for linking, filtering and view data.

Hidden column

We can configure both measure and dimension fields into the hidden column. For measure, we will have all the settings we have for the measure fields except formatting and filtering.


In the case of dimension fields, we will have the following options only. In Date fields, we will have all available types except sorting, relative date filter, settings, and filters.


Date field


The primary use case of hidden columns is linking. On configuring hidden columns, we can see below that the fields configured in hidden columns are listed in the linking section. By configuring the column in linking, we can pass the corresponding column value in the linking parameter.

Measure Based Example: If we wish to pass the number of Matches played as a URL parameter but do not want it to influence the visualization, we can configure the Matches in the hidden columns and incorporate them into the link.


Dimension Based Example: If we wish to pass the number of Team Name played as a URL parameter but do not want it to influence the visualization, we can configure the Team Name in the hidden columns and incorporate them into the link.



You can use hidden columns to filter data in the visualizations. Configure hidden columns and click the filter icon below.


Click the Custom button highlighted in the filter configuration dialog image below. It will list all the fields configured in the widget. Keep the field configured in the hidden column and remove the other fields, then click the Update button.


Now, we can see in the image below, the data is filtered based on the hidden column field instead of the actual column that we bound in the widget.


For more details about filtering the widget data, refer to the Cross Filter Configuration documentation.

View Data

You can view the data in the hidden columns in the underlying data view. This is useful for checking the data in more detail and can help you to identify any issues with the data.

View data

NOTE: We don’t recommend configuring lower hierarchy data in hidden columns as we can see in the info icon in Hidden Column section denotes the same.

Hidden Column

The chart below displays the goals scored by each team without any hidden columns.


If we place lower hierarchy data (Player Name) in hidden columns compared to the column and row field data, the data in the widgets may become duplicated. This can affect the visualization of the chart, as shown in the image below.


Adding rows

To add rows, you can drag the Dimension field into the Rows field.

Pie Chart

You can apply the filter and sort to the rows field if needed.

This will result in a pie chart being displayed in a series.

Pie Chart series

Scroll down to view all the charts.

How to format Pie Chart

You can format the pie chart for better illustration by using the settings available in the Properties tab.

To configure data in the pie chart, follow these steps:

  1. Drag and drop the pie chart onto the canvas and resize it as needed.

  2. Configure the data in the pie chart.

  3. Select the pie chart and click the Widget Settings icon.

Widget settings

The property window will be opened as follows.

Pie Chart properties

You can see the list of properties available for the widget with default value.

General Settings

General Settings


Set the title for the Pie chart widget.

General Settings


Set the subtitle for the Pie chart widget.

General Settings


Set a description for the Pie chart, which can be viewed by hovering over the i icon and hovering over it will display the description in a tooltip.

General Settings

Basic settings

Basic Settings

Show Tooltip

This option allows you to toggle the visibility of tooltip in the pie chart.

General Settings

Chart type

Switch the widget view from the current chart type to another chart type.

Chart Type

Enable animation

It animates the measure values when you Enable Animation.

Show value label

It allows you to toggle the visibility of value labels.

Show Value Label

If you disable the Show Value Labels properties, the dependent properties, such as color, value label position, value label rotation, and value label suffix, will be hidden.

Show value label

Value Label Color

This allows you to customize the value label’s color.

Value label Color Option

Value label Color

Data label

Defines the display format as a category, value, percentage, category and value, category and percentage, value and percentage, or all details.







Category and value

Category and Value

Category and percentage

Category and Percentage

Value and percentage

Value and Percentage

All details

Pie Chart

Value labels suffix

This allows you to show or hide the suffix value of value labels.

Suffix Value

This allows you to customize the suffix value of value labels.

Value Labels Suffix

Chart Size

This allows you to customize the size of the pie chart. Values can be between 0.1 and 1.

Series Settings

The Series Settings option is enabled only when you configure the series in the Assigned Data tab.

Series Settings

Fixed rows and columns

If you enable the Fixed rows and columns, you can customize the rows and columns. The rows and columns are fixed based on the container size and size of the pie chart.

Row count

By enabling the Row Count, you can set the count of the rows.

Column count

By enabling the Column Count, you can set the column count.

Pie Series Settings

Note: If invalid columns and rows are given, the rows and columns will reset to their default value. For example, if you are given the number of rows as 6 and the number of columns as 5 but your data count is only 20, the rows and columns will reset to their default value.

Legend Settings

Legend settings

Show legend

A legend is a text used to describe the plotted data. It allows you to toggle the visibility of the legend in the chart and change the legend text position (selecting through the combo box). Enabling the Custom Legend Text option will allow you to define a custom text (through the text area) to display for each legend series (selecting through the combo box) in the chart.

Show Legend

Legend Interactivity

The chart legend interactivity option allows you to control the behavior of the chart legends. This provides an option to make chart legends non-clickable, which can be especially useful in scenarios where you do not want users to hide or show series data by clicking on the legend. This might also be useful when displaying critical pieces of data that should always be present for accuracy and context purposes.

Disabling the Interactivity feature in the Legend Settings category does not allow you to click on the legends.

Legend Interactivity Disable Enabling the Interactivity feature in the Legend Settings category allows you to click on the legends.

Legend Interactivity Enable

Legend Label Color

This allows you to change the chart legend title and label colors.

Chart Legend Color Option

Chart Legend Color

Legend Customize

It allows you to customize the legends. When you click the customize button, the dialog box will be shown.

Chart Legend Customize

Chart Legend Customization

Legend Position

A Legend is a text used to describe the data plotted. This option allows you to place the legend at the position of Left, Right, Top, and Bottom.

Legend position

Legend Item as Dropdown

Legends can be displayed as a dropdown menu when the legend position is set to “dropdown.” When you hover over a chart, a legend icon appears. Clicking on this icon will bring up a legend dropdown. This feature allows you to toggle the visibility of the legend in the chart.

This option will hide the legends in the chart area, resulting in increased chart space and enhanced visibility.

The chart legend dropdown option can be used to simplify viewing complex charts with multiple data sources. For example, if you have a chart displaying sales data for the different years, you can use the legend dropdown to deselect all other years and focus only on a specific year.

Legend item as dropdown

Legend Shape

This allows you change the shape of the legend.


This option allows you to change the shape of the legend in a Circle.

Show Legend shape

Series Type

This option allows you to change the shape of the legend in Series.

Show Legend shape Series

Legend Title

This allows you to add the legend title for the chart, which will reflect with the Show Legend.

Show Legend Title

Text Overflow

This option allows you to customize legend text based on the ‘Text Width’ property value.


This option allows you to render legend items without any wrap and trim.

Legend Overflow None Option in chart

Legend Overflow None in chart


This option allows you to trim the legend items if its legend exceeds the ‘Text Width’ value.

Legend Overflow Trim Option in chart

Legend Overflow Trim in chart


This option allows you to wrap legend items based on the ‘Text Width’ value.

Legend Overflow Wrap Option in chart

Legend Overflow Wrap in chart

Text Width

This option allows you to set the maximum width for the Legend Items and is applicable only if text-overflow is set as Trim or Wrap.

Legend Text Width Option in chart

Legend Text Width in chart

If you uncheck the Show Legend property in the property panel, the dependent properties Legend color, Legend position, customization button, and Legend title are also hidden.

You can enable linking and configure navigating to a general URL with or without parameters. For more details, refer to the Linking.


Series palette

By toggling the series palette, you can customize the proportion series segments’ colors.

Use Series Palette

Based On

You can choose the field from the Based On section to apply the conditions.

This section shows a palette of colors. By clicking the colored square, the color picker will open. You can choose a color and change the color by changing the corresponding hexadecimal value at the right.

Individual mode

Color Mapping Type

Using the Color Mapping type, you can apply the colors to the series either based on data or index.

Color Mapping Type option


It allows you to apply color for chart series based on data. If you want to apply a specific color to specific data, you can use Data based color mapping. By default, the Color Mapping Type will be Data.

Color Mapping Type Data

IMPORTANT: Only the top 100 records will be listed in the dialog.


It allows you to apply color for chart series based on Index. Such that the colors are maintained based on the index even if data is changed. It shows only 15 different colors. After that, the color will be repeated from above colors.

For example, If you are displaying the countries based on the increasing order of the case count, then the index-based color mapping will be useful to set the colors based on the rank. Say red color to the top, then the red color will be maintained for the country having the largest case count.

Color Mapping Type Index

Note: We prefer to use Index based color customization only for minimum data (up to 15 series).

Use Basedon Palette

Change Series color

Series color view

Use Default Palette

This option is displayed when you add more than one measure field to the Value(s).

By toggling off the Use Default Palette, you can customize the colors of the proportion series segments by clicking the colored squares.

Series color palette window

Font settings

This section allows you to customize the font size of the chart elements.

Font settings


This section allows you to manage the filter actions for the pie chart widget.


Act as master widget

Define the Pie Chart widget as a master widget so that its filter action will be displayed in other widgets on the dashboard.

Ignore filter actions

Define the Pie Chart widget to disregard the filter actions applied to other widgets on the dashboard.

Enable Hierarchical Filtering

Through this option, you can enable or disable hierarchical Top N filtering. When applying the Top N filter with multiple dimension columns, the data returned can be customized based on whether the filtering needs to be done in a flat manner or based on the hierarchy of added dimension columns.

When the Enable Hierarchical Filtering option is enabled, the Top N filter will be applied for each individual column separately based on the number set for each column.

Container Appearance

Container Appearance

Title Alignment

This allows you to adjust the alignment of the widget title to either left, center, or right.

Title Color

This allows you to apply a text color to the widget title.

Title Auto Font Size

By enabling Auto Font Size, the font size of the title will automatically adjust if the screen resolution varies.

Font Size

This allows you to apply a specified font size to the widget title if the Title Auto Font Size is disabled. The value can range from 10 to 44.

Subtitle Auto Font Size

By enabling Auto Font Size, the font size of the subtitle will automatically adjust if the screen resolution varies.

Font Size

This allows you to apply a specified font size to the widget subtitle if the Subtitle Auto Font Size is disabled. The value can range from 10 to 32.

Auto Padding

By enabling Auto Padding, the padding of the widget container will automatically adjust if the size of the widget varies.


This allows you to customize the padding of the widget container if Auto Padding is disabled. The value can range from 0 to 25.

Show Border

This allows you to toggle the visibility of the border surrounding the widget.

Corner Radius

This allows you to apply a specified radius to the widget corners if Show Border is enabled. The value can range from 0 to 10.

Show Background Image

This allows you to set a background image for the pie chart widget.

Background Color

This allows you to set a background color for the pie chart widget.


This property allows you to specify the transparency for the background color.

Show Shadow

This allows you to toggle the visibility of the shadow surrounding the widget.

Container actions

Container Actions

Show Header

This allows you to enable or disable the widget title of the pie chart.

Allow Maximize View

This allows you to enable or disable the maximized mode of the pie chart widget. The visibility of the maximize icon in the widget header will be defined based on the setting in the viewer.

Allow CSV Export

This allows you to enable or disable the CSV export option for the pie chart widget. Enabling this allows you to export the summarized data of the widget view to CSV format in the viewer.

Allow Excel Export

This allows you to enable or disable the Excel export option for the pie chart widget. Enabling this allows you to export the summarized data of the widget view to (.xlsx or .xls) format in the viewer.

Allow Image Export

This allows you to enable or disable the Image export option for the pie chart widget. Enabling this allows you to export the view of the widget to image format (.jpg), (.png), or (.bmp) in the viewer.

Allow PDF Export

This allows you to enable or disable the PDF export option for the pie chart widget. Enabling this allows you to export the view of the widget to pdf format in the viewer.

Enable Comments

This allows you to enable or disable comment for the dashboard widget. For more details, refer to the Commenting Widget.

Allow View Underlying Data

This allows you to visualize the raw data associated with a widget at runtime.

To learn more about viewing the underlying widget data, refer to the view data documentation.

Pin Widget

This allows you to pin the widget.