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Custom Formatting Date Type Column

Custom date format allows you to set the desired format for the date field implicitly and apply formatting based on the fiscal year. This can be supported for all date formats such as year, month, date, day, and many more.

NOTE: Custom date format support is only applicable for chart and grid widgets.

Configuring custom date format to date field

The custom date format option is applicable only for the date-time type of dimension column. To configure the custom date format settings, open the Date Settings dialog from the Settings option by clicking the Settings icon.

Create Custom Date

By clicking Edit.. menu item, Date Settings dialog will open as follows.

Custom Date Dialog Box

The Date Settings dialog has the following options that allow you to customize the date field with the applicable date format:

  1. Predefined format.
  2. Custom format.
  3. Fiscal year start.

To clear the custom date format settings for the date field, click on clear in the settings drop-down menu. This menu item is enabled only when the date field is already configured with custom date settings.

Clear Custom Date

How to customize date field with custom date format

The date field can be customized by the Format and Fiscal year start options provided in the Date Settings dialog.


You can customize the date format of the date field using various custom date format options based on the fiscal year. For example, if the date format is Year, then the year format can be customized by using the provided default options like 2016-2017...or 16-17....

Follow these steps to apply a predefined date format:

  1. Click on the Format dropdown.

  2. Choose any one of the predefined format options as follows.

    Set Custom Date Format

The supported built-in date format types are listed in the following table.

Types Formats
Year 2016, 2017, ...
16, 17...
Quarter Quarter 1, Quarter 2
Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4
1, 2, 3, 4
Month Jan, Feb, Mar
January, February
1, 2, 3...12
01, 02, 03...12
Hour 00, 01, 02, 03...
1 AM, 2 PM..
0, 1, 2, 3....
Minutes 00, 01, 02, 03...
0, 1, 2, 3...
Seconds 00, 01, 02, 03...
0, 1, 2, 3...
Quarter Year Quarter 1 2017, Quarter 2 2018
Q1 2017, Q2 2017
Month Year Jan 2016, Feb 2017
January 2016, February 2017
Date Hour 23/07/2017 00
Week of Year 00, 01, 02, 03...
Week 0, Week 1, Week 2...
Week 00, Week 01, Week 02...
Day 00, 01, 02, 03...31
1, 2, 3...31

Custom Format

You can see the Custom option under the Format drop-down, which allows the user to customize the date format based on their requirements. For example, if the date format is set to Date, then the format can be customized to MM/dd/yyyy, dd-MM-yyyy, and more.

To apply a custom format, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Format dropdown.

  2. Select the Custom option.

  3. A textbox named Custom Format will be enabled.

  4. Add desired formats, which can be referred to from the supported format information by hovering over the info icon.

    Set Custom for Date Field

  5. The preview of the entered date format will be displayed under the text box.

    Reference format

NOTE: The Custom Format option is visible only for Date Time, Date, Year, and Date Hour.

The supported custom format types are provided in the following table.

Types Custom Formats description
Year yy Displays the year, from 00 to 99
yyyy Display the year as a four-digit number
Month MM Display the month, from 01 through 12
MMM Display the abbreviated name of the month
MMMM Display the full name of the month
Hour HH Display the hour, using a 24-hour clock from 00 to 23
hh Display the hour, using a 12-hour clock from 01 to 12
Minute mm Display the minute, from 00 through 59
Second ss Display the second, from 00 through 59
Time ttt Display the AM/PM

Fiscal Year Start

If you want to apply the custom format along with the fiscal year, use the Fiscal Year Start option from the Date Settings dialog as follows.

Set Custom Firmat

NOTE: The filtering operation won’t work when you are choosing the widget as a master and applying the custom date format for the date column.