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Dashboard Themes in Bold BI Enterprise edition

The dashboard theme option is now available as a preview feature in the Bold BI Enterprise edition. This feature allows you to apply a different theme for the dashboard. Currently, we have provided light and dark themes.

NOTE: You can customize themes for the BoldBI application using CSS variables. Refer to the Custom Theme Viewer section to learn more about creating and uploading customized themes in the BoldBI application. In the future, the dashboard theme using the JSON property will be deprecated. Instead of the JSON property, you can use theme variables to customize the BoldBI application. Refer to the Theme Variable section to find the equivalent theme variable for the JSON property.

How to switch dashboard themes

By default, the dashboards are rendered in light mode, and the theme option is displayed in the header panel of the published dashboards, as shown in the following image.

Theme option

Clicking the Theme option will list out the available themes.

Available themes

You can switch the themes by clicking the required theme name from the list.

The following image shows the dashboard view after applying the dark theme.

Dark theme applied view

NOTE: Theming will not be applied in certain areas of the dashboard. Please check the limitations section for details.

The browser will remember the last applied theme and all dashboards will be rendered with that theme.

How to enable or disable the dashboard theme option in the Bold BI Enterprise edition

By default, the dashboard theme is enabled in the Bold BI Enterprise edition dashboards.

Theming document section explains how to enable or disable the dashboard theme option in the Bold BI version 4.1.36 or later.

However, you can turn off the feature by changing the settings in the Bold BI version below 4.1.36 with the following steps:

  1. Open the Web.config file from the following location:

[Installation Drive]: Bold BI \ Dashboard Designer\Web.config web config

  1. You can find the key dashboard:theme:enable as shown in the following screenshot.

Turn off theme

  1. Change the value for the key dashboard:theme:enable to false, and restart your server.

  2. Now, the theme option will not be displayed in the view mode. By default, the light mode will be applied.


The dashboard theme is currently a preview feature. The following items are not supported with the dark theme:

  1. Dialogs (Export, View, Info, Share and Comments, Dashboard parameter, and newly implemented dialogs).

  2. Newly implemented widgets like RTE, Spline Area chart, Period over Period Comparison, Miscellaneous, and Custom widgets.

  3. Deprecated widgets such as Card and Maps. Syncfusion will not provide support in the future.

Custom Theme

Custom theme allows you to customize the appearance of the Bold BI dashboard viewer. You can achieve this by customizing the JSON settings file. Granular level customization can also be done using these settings.

How to create and apply a new custom theme

Follow the steps to add a new custom theme in Bold BI Enterprise edition:

  1. Navigate to the Bold BI deployment location.

    Bold BI Version Location
    Below 4.1.36 {Deployed Location}\Dashboard Designer\DashboardThemes
    4.1.36 or above {Deployed Location}\bi\dataservice\dashboardthemes
  2. By default, light and dark theme files will be available at the location.

    Dashboard themes folder:

    Dashboard themes folder

  3. Open the theme file in any text editor to view the template and the color code values.

    Dashboard theme template json file:

    Theme template

  4. Create a new theme file using the template provided in the theme file above. You have the option to customize the color of the properties using the hex format.

    Prepared custom blue theme file contents: Custom theme template

    NOTE: Set the custom theme name in the name property.

  5. Now save the newly prepared theme file with the [ThemeName].json format.

    Save custom theme template

  6. Now open the dashboard in the browser and the theme will be listed in the theme drop-down.

    Applying custom theme

  7. Select your custom theme and the theme will be applied to the dashboard.

    The following image shows the dashboard view after applying the custom blue theme.

    Dashboard with applied custom theme

Custom theme JSON file format

A valid JSON custom theme file needs at least the name property, as shown in the following code sample.

    "name": "Blue"

The other properties are optional and will be applied with the default color codes.

For example, if you want to change the widget color palette codes alone and use the light theme for other color codes, you can create a new theme file with the following code.

    "name": "Blue",
    "dataColorPalette": [

Starting from version 3.3.88, you can customize the following:

  1. Color Customization
  2. Font Customization

    "background": "#FFFFFF",
    "textStyle": {
      "color": "#000000",
      "fontSettings": {
        "autoFontSettings": true,
        "fontSize": "",
        "fontWeight": "",
        "fontFamily": "",
        "fontSrc": ""

Color Customization

This feature allows you to customize the color and background CSS properties for the dashboard.

  • The color option customizes the foreground color of the dashboard elements.
  • The background option customizes the background of the dashboard elements.

Font Customization

This feature allows you to customize the font property for the text elements in the dashboard banner, widgets, tooltips, menus, alerts, and filter overview dialog. It includes the following properties to customize the text elements in the dashboard:

  • autoFontSettings validates the customized value for the property overrides or not.
  • fontSize customizes the font-size css property.
  • fontFamily customizes the font-family css property.
  • fontWeight customizes the font-weight css property.
  • fontSrc includes the new custom font, only as base64 string.

The font source can be applied by converting the font file to a base64 string and using it as specified below. The value for the font source property can be applied once and referred to its fontFamily value given.

    "fontSettings": {
        "autoFontSettings": false,
        "fontSize": "",
        "fontWeight": "",
        "fontFamily": "MyFontFamily",
        "fontSrc": "url(data:font/truetype;charset=utf-8;base64, AAEAAAATAQAABAAwRkZUTVyddG4AAScUAAAAHEdERUYBFwAkAAEmQAAAAChHUE9T2CzomQABJogAAACM/8ZwZ20PtC+nAAAH3AAAAmVnYXNw format('truetype')"


  1. If the value for the property is left blank, then the default value is taken.
  2. The customized font values are applied only when the autoFontSettings property is set to false; by default, it is set to true.
  3. The font size measurement can be given in any units (px, pt, em, rem).
  4. The font weight can be given either in numerical notation (100 to 900) or string values such as normal, bold, bolder, lighter.


Here is an example to show how the dashboard banner is color and font customized,

"banner": {
    "background": "#ff4801",
    "textStyle": {
      "color": "#ffffff",
      "fontSettings": {
        "autoFontSettings": false,
        "fontSize": "30px",
        "fontWeight": "900",
        "fontFamily": "Garamond, serif",
        "fontSrc": ""
    "icon": {
      "font": {
        "color": "#ffffff",
        "fontSettings": {
          "autoFontSettings": false,
          "fontSize": "12px",
          "fontWeight": "bold",
          "fontFamily": "Garamond, serif",
          "fontSrc": ""
      "hover": {
        "font": {
          "color": "#283A5E",
          "fontSettings": {
            "autoFontSettings": false,
            "fontSize": "17px",
            "fontWeight": "bolder",
            "fontFamily": "Lucida Console",
            "fontSrc": ""
        "background": "#f1f9ff"

Font customization dashboard banner

You can find the list of classes that you can customize in the following sections:

Theme name

Defines the custom theme name.


    "name": "CustomTheme"

Theme type

The type should be either light or dark.

Note: When any color value is undefined, the default color will be applied based on the type.


    "name": "CustomTheme",
    "type": "dark"

Theme Font

Allows you to customize the font size, family, and weight for the overall dashboard.


    "fontSettings": {
        "autoFontSettings": false,
        "fontFamily": "'Brush Script MT', cursive",
        "fontSrc": ""

NOTE: The customized font value is applied only when the autoFontSettings property is set to false; by default, it is set to true.

Data color palette

Defines the color palette for the widgets.


    "name": "CustomTheme",
    "dataColorPalette": [

Dashboard banner

You can customize the color and font of the dashboard header panel, the dashboard header text, and icons.


    "name": "CustomTheme",
    "banner": {
        "background": "#240C84",
        "textStyle": {
            "color": "#e5ebf8",
            "fontSettings": {
                "autoFontSettings": true,
                "fontSize": "",
                "fontWeight": "",
                "fontFamily": "",
                "fontSrc": ""
        "icon": {
            "font": {
                "color": "#3BBDFE",
                "fontSettings": {
                    "autoFontSettings": true,
                    "fontSize": "",
                    "fontWeight": "",
                    "fontFamily": "",
                    "fontSrc": ""
            "hover": {
                "font": {
                    "color": "#e5ebf8",
                    "fontSettings": {
                        "autoFontSettings": true,
                        "fontSize": "",
                        "fontWeight": "",
                        "fontFamily": "",
                        "fontSrc": ""
                "background": "#4a536b"

Dashboard widgets

The widgets section allows you to configure the widget container properties such as the container background, title or sub-title color and font, icon color and font, and the widget level properties such as the axis properties, legend properties, and data label properties.

Widget common level properties

The color codes and font settings defined in the widgets section will be applied to all applicable widgets unless they have been overridden at the widget specific level.


Define the background of the widget container.


    "name": "CustomTheme",
    "widgets": {
        "background": "#32199B"
Text style

Defines the widget’s text color and font styles.


    "name": "CustomTheme",
    "widgets": {
        "textStyle": {
            "color": "#e5ebf8",
            "title": {
                "autoFontSettings": true,
                "fontSize": "",
                "fontWeight": "",
                "fontFamily": "",
                "fontSrc": ""
            "subTitle": {
                "autoFontSettings": true,
                "fontSize": "",
                "fontWeight": "",
                "fontFamily": "",
                "fontSrc": ""

Define the widget container’s icon color and font styles.


    "name": "CustomTheme",
    "widgets": {
        "icon": {
            "font": {
                "color": "#FF71FF",
                "fontSettings": {
                    "autoFontSettings": true,
                    "fontSize": "",
                    "fontWeight": ""
            "hover": {
                "font": {
                    "color": "#c6d0e8",
                    "fontSettings": {
                        "autoFontSettings": true,
                        "fontSize": "",
                        "fontWeight": ""
                "background": "#374159"

Define the widget axis property color codes and font settings.


    "name": "CustomTheme",
    "widgets": {
        "axis": {
            "title": {
                "font": {
                    "color": "#c6d0e8",
                    "fontSettings": {
                        "autoFontSettings": true,
                        "fontSize": "",
                        "fontWeight": "",
                        "fontFamily": "",
                        "fontSrc": ""
            "label": {
                "font": {
                    "color": "#c6d0e8",
                    "fontSettings": {
                        "autoFontSettings": true,
                        "fontSize": "",
                        "fontWeight": "",
                        "fontFamily": "",
                        "fontSrc": ""
            "gridLines": {
                "color": "#4A2BC6"
            "tickLines": {
                "color": "#4A2BC6"

Defines the widget’s legend color codes and font settings.


    "name": "CustomTheme",
    "widgets": {
        "legend": {
            "font": {
                "color": "#e5ebf8",
                "fontSettings": {
                    "autoFontSettings": true,
                    "fontSize": "",
                    "fontWeight": "",
                    "fontFamily": "",
                    "fontSrc": ""
Data label

Define the widget’s data label color codes and font settings.


    "name": "CustomTheme",
    "widgets": {
        "dataLabel": {
            "font": {
                "color": "#c6d0e8",
                "fontSettings": {
                    "autoFontSettings": true,
                    "fontSize": "",
                    "fontWeight": "",
                    "fontFamily": "",
                    "fontSrc": ""
Data value

The widget’s data text, background colors, and fonts are defined.


    "name": "CustomTheme",
    "widgets": {
        "dataValue": {
            "background": "#212634",
            "font": {
                "color": "#e5ebf8",
                "fontSettings": {
                    "autoFontSettings": true,
                    "fontSize": "",
                    "fontWeight": "",
                    "fontFamily": "",
                    "fontSrc": ""
            "hover": {
                "font": {
                    "color": "#e5ebf8",
                    "fontSettings": {
                        "autoFontSettings": true,
                        "fontSize": "",
                        "fontWeight": "",
                        "fontFamily": "",
                        "fontSrc": ""
                "background": "#3e4658"

Widget specific level properties

The widgets.[widgetName] section allows you to customize the properties of a specific widget.



    "name": "CustomTheme",
    "widgets": {
        "chart": {
            "widgetHeader": {
                "title": {
                    "fontSettings": {
                        "autoFontSettings": true,
                        "fontSize": "",
                        "fontWeight": "",
                        "fontFamily": "",
                        "fontSrc": ""
                "subTitle": {
                    "fontSettings": {
                        "autoFontSettings": true,
                        "fontSize": "",
                        "fontWeight": "",
                        "fontFamily": "",
                        "fontSrc": ""
            "axis": {
                "title": {
                    "font": {
                        "color": "#c6d0e8",
                        "fontSettings": {
                            "autoFontSettings": true,
                            "fontSize": "",
                            "fontWeight": "",
                            "fontFamily": "",
                            "fontSrc": ""
                "gridLines": {
                    "color": "#4A2BC6"
                "label": {
                    "font": {
                        "color": "#c6d0e8",
                        "fontSettings": {
                            "autoFontSettings": true,
                            "fontSize": "",
                            "fontWeight": "",
                            "fontFamily": "",
                            "fontSrc": ""
                "tickLines": {
                    "color": "#4A2BC6"
            "dataLabel": {
                "font": {
                    "color": "#c6d0e8",
                    "fontSettings": {
                        "autoFontSettings": true,
                        "fontSize": "",
                        "fontWeight": "",
                        "fontFamily": "",
                        "fontSrc": ""
            "legend": {
                "font": {
                    "color": "#e5ebf8",
                    "fontSettings": {
                        "autoFontSettings": true,
                        "fontSize": "",
                        "fontWeight": "",
                        "fontFamily": "",
                        "fontSrc": ""
            "legendTitle": {
                "title": {
                    "font": {
                        "fontSettings": {
                            "autoFontSettings": true,
                            "fontSize": "",
                            "fontWeight": "",
                            "fontFamily": "",
                            "fontSrc": ""
            "markerColor": "#32199B"


    "name": "CustomTheme",
    "widgets": {
        "map": {
            "widgetHeader": {
                "title": {
                    "fontSettings": {
                        "autoFontSettings": true,
                        "fontSize": "",
                        "fontWeight": "",
                        "fontFamily": "",
                        "fontSrc": ""
                "subTitle": {
                    "fontSettings": {
                        "autoFontSettings": true,
                        "fontSize": "",
                        "fontWeight": "",
                        "fontFamily": "",
                        "fontSrc": ""
            "dataLabel": {
                "font": {
                    "color": "#1a1a1a",
                    "fontSettings": {
                        "autoFontSettings": true,
                        "fontSize": "",
                        "fontWeight": "",
                        "fontFamily": "",
                        "fontSrc": ""
            "legend": {
                "font": {
                    "color": "#c6d0e8",
                    "fontSettings": {
                        "autoFontSettings": true,
                        "fontSize": "",
                        "fontWeight": "",
                        "fontFamily": "",
                        "fontSrc": ""
            "legendTitle": {
                "title": {
                    "font": {
                        "fontSettings": {
                            "autoFontSettings": true,
                            "fontSize": "",
                            "fontWeight": "",
                            "fontFamily": "",
                            "fontSrc": ""
            "fillColor": "#f67280"
Tree map


    "name": "CustomTheme",
    "widgets": {
        "treeMap": {
            "widgetHeader": {
                "title": {
                    "fontSettings": {
                        "autoFontSettings": true,
                        "fontSize": "",
                        "fontWeight": "",
                        "fontFamily": "",
                        "fontSrc": ""
                "subTitle": {
                    "fontSettings": {
                        "autoFontSettings": true,
                        "fontSize": "",
                        "fontWeight": "",
                        "fontFamily": "",
                        "fontSrc": ""
            "dataLabel": {
                "font": {
                    "color": "#e5ebf8",
                    "fontSettings": {
                        "autoFontSettings": true,
                        "fontSize": "",
                        "fontWeight": "",
                        "fontFamily": "",
                        "fontSrc": ""
            "legend": {
                "font": {
                    "color": "#e5ebf8",
                    "fontSettings": {
                        "autoFontSettings": true,
                        "fontSize": "",
                        "fontWeight": "",
                        "fontFamily": "",
                        "fontSrc": ""
            "legendTitle": {
                "title": {
                    "font": {
                        "fontSettings": {
                            "autoFontSettings": true,
                            "fontSize": "",
                            "fontWeight": "",
                            "fontFamily": "",
                            "fontSrc": ""
            "fillColor": "#f6727f"
Heat map


    "name": "CustomTheme",
    "widgets": {
        "heatMap": {
            "widgetHeader": {
                "title": {
                    "fontSettings": {
                        "autoFontSettings": true,
                        "fontSize": "",
                        "fontWeight": "",
                        "fontFamily": "",
                        "fontSrc": ""
                "subTitle": {
                    "fontSettings": {
                        "autoFontSettings": true,
                        "fontSize": "",
                        "fontWeight": "",
                        "fontFamily": "",
                        "fontSrc": ""
            "axis": {
                "title": {
                    "font": {
                        "color": "#c6d0e8",
                        "fontSettings": {
                            "autoFontSettings": true,
                            "fontSize": "",
                            "fontWeight": "",
                            "fontFamily": "",
                            "fontSrc": ""
                "label": {
                    "font": {
                        "color": "#c6d0e8",
                        "fontSettings": {
                            "autoFontSettings": true,
                            "fontSize": "",
                            "fontWeight": "",
                            "fontFamily": "",
                            "fontSrc": ""
            "dataLabel": {
                "font": {
                    "color": "#e5ebf8",
                    "fontSettings": {
                        "autoFontSettings": true,
                        "fontSize": "",
                        "fontWeight": "",
                        "fontFamily": "",
                        "fontSrc": ""
            "fillColor": "#f6727f",
            "emptyFillColor": "#282f40",
            "legend": {
                "font": {
                    "color": "#e5ebf8",
                    "fontSettings": {
                        "autoFontSettings": true,
                        "fontSize": "",
                        "fontWeight": "",
                        "fontFamily": "",
                        "fontSrc": ""


    "name": "CustomTheme",
    "widgets": {
        "grid": {
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                "title": {
                    "fontSettings": {
                        "autoFontSettings": true,
                        "fontSize": "",
                        "fontWeight": "",
                        "fontFamily": "",
                        "fontSrc": ""
                "subTitle": {
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                        "autoFontSettings": true,
                        "fontSize": "",
                        "fontWeight": "",
                        "fontFamily": "",
                        "fontSrc": ""
            "content": {
                "background": "#202635",
                "font": {
                    "color": "#e5ebf8",
                    "fontSettings": {
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                        "fontSize": "",
                        "fontWeight": "",
                        "fontFamily": "",
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                "hover": {
                    "background": "#3e4658",
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                            "fontSize": "",
                            "fontWeight": "",
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            "filterBar": {
                "background": "#202635",
                "border": "#505a71",
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Pivot grid


    "name": "CustomTheme",
    "widgets": {
        "pivotGrid": {
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                    "fontSettings": {
                        "autoFontSettings": true,
                        "fontSize": "",
                        "fontWeight": "",
                        "fontFamily": "",
                        "fontSrc": ""
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List box


    "name": "CustomTheme",
    "widgets": {
        "listbox": {
            "widgetHeader": {
                "title": {
                    "fontSettings": {
                        "autoFontSettings": true,
                        "fontSize": "",
                        "fontWeight": "",
                        "fontFamily": "",
                        "fontSrc": ""
                "subTitle": {
                    "fontSettings": {
                        "autoFontSettings": true,
                        "fontSize": "",
                        "fontWeight": "",
                        "fontFamily": "",
                        "fontSrc": ""
            "dropDownList": {
                "background": "#240c84",
                "font": {
                    "color": "#e5ebf8",
                    "fontSettings": {
                        "autoFontSettings": true,
                        "fontSize": "",
                        "fontWeight": "",
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                "hover": {
                    "background": "#3e4658",
                    "font": {
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                        "fontSettings": {
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                            "fontSize": "",
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Combo box


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Date picker


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KPI card


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Number card


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Range slider


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Range Navigator


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Circular gauge


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Radar Polar


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Combo Chart


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Period Over Period


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Dashboard tooltip

You can customize the appearance of the dashboard tooltip.


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Dashboard menu

This feature allows you to customize the dashboard menu background, foreground, and font properties.


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Error alert dialog

This feature allows you to customize the dashboard error dialog background, foreground, and font properties for the header, footer, and error content.


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Filter overview

This feature allows you to customize the filter overview dialog.


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