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Exporting widget to Image

You can export the widget view in the form of an image by clicking on Export to Image in the drop-down menu at the right corner of the title section.

Widget image

By clicking on Export to Image, a pop-up will be shown as follows.

Widget image popup

Enter the File Name field with the preferred value to replace the default one.


The default and minimum value for Resolution is 96 dpi (dots per inch). The maximum value allowed to be set is 1790 dpi.


You can choose the image Format as JPEG (.jpg), PNG (.png), or BMP (*.bmp).


Click Export to display the current view of the widget in the chosen image format with the applied settings.


After clicking Export, a notification pop-up will be shown as follows.


After the dashboard or widgets have been exported, a success notification pop-up will be shown with an included link to manually download the files.


Click Reset to restore the default values in the pop-up.

NOTE: In Windows, Safari browser does not support the Export to Image functionality. Mac OS or iOS, with Safari browser version 6+ support this functionality.

Exporting widget to PDF

You can obtain the data showcased in the widget by exporting it in PDF format. This can be achieved by clicking on Export to PDF in the drop-down menu at the right corner of the title section.

Widget PDF

When you click on Export to PDF, a pop-up will appear.

Widget PDF popup

Set the File Name field with your preferred value to replace the default one.

PDF Rename

Choose the preferred Page Size of the PDF file.

PDF page size

Select the Orientation of the page as either Portrait or Landscape mode.

PDF orientation

Click Export to display the data in the widget in PDF file format.

PDF export

After clicking Export, a notification pop-up will appear.


Once the dashboard or widgets have been exported, a success notification pop-up will appear with a link to manually download the files.


Click Reset to restore the default values in the pop-up.

PDF reset

Exporting widget to PowerPoint

You can export the widget view as a PowerPoint presentation by clicking on Export to PowerPoint in the drop-down menu at the right corner of the title section.

Widget PowerPoint

When you click on Export to PowerPoint, a pop-up will appear. Set the File Name field with your preferred value to replace the default one.

Widget PowerPoint Popup

Click Export to display the current view of the widget in the PowerPoint format with the applied settings.

Widget PowerPoint Export

After clicking Export, a notification pop-up will appear as shown below.

Widget PowerPoint Export Request

Once the widget has been exported, a success notification pop-up will appear, including a link to manually download the files.

Widget PowerPoint Success

Click Reset to restore the default values in the pop-up.

Widget PowerPoint Reset

Exporting widget to CSV

You can obtain the aggregated data showcased in the widget by exporting it to CSV format. This can be achieved by clicking Export to CSV in the drop-down menu at the right corner of the title section.

Export CSV

Set the File Name and click Export to display the data in the widget in CSV file format.

CSV Export

After clicking Export, a request notification pop-up will be shown.


After the dashboard or widgets have been exported, a success notification pop-up will be shown with an included link to manually download files.


Click Reset to restore the default values in the pop-up.

CSV reset

Exporting widget to Excel

You can export the widget in the form of Microsoft Excel by clicking on Export to Excel in the drop-down menu at the right corner of the title section.

Widget excel

By clicking on Export to Excel, a pop-up will be displayed as follows.

Excel popup

Set the File Name field with your preferred value to replace the default one.

Choose the Format as either Excel 97-2003 Workbook (.xls) or Excel Workbook (.xlsx).

Excel export

Click Export to display the data from the widget in Excel format.

After clicking Export, a notification pop-up will be shown as follows.


Once the dashboard or widgets have been exported, a success notification pop-up will be displayed with a link included to manually download the files.


After clicking Export, a notification pop-up will be shown as follows.


After the dashboard or widgets have been exported, a success notification pop-up will be shown with an included link to manually download files.


Excel reset

Click Reset to restore the default values in the pop-up.

Exporting restriction

You can explore the exporting restriction in detail here,

Exporting Restriction