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Bold BI Dashboards embedding in Ruby on Rails using Embedded SDK

A GitHub link has been provided to get the sample application, which demonstrates the rendering of a dashboard available on your Bold BI server. The link is followed by steps to create a new embedding application in Ruby on Rails on your own.

NOTE: The best way to get started would be to read the Getting Started Started section of the documentation first. The Getting Started guide provides you with enough information that you need to know before working on the sample.

How to run the sample

  1. Please get the Ruby on Rails sample.

  2. You need to set the details of your embed property in the Index.html.erb and Authorizes_Controller.rb. Embed Properties Embed Properties In Authorize Controller

    ServerUrl Bold BI Server URL (ex: http://localhost:5000/bi/site/site1,
    DashboardID Provide the dashboard id of the dashboard you want to embed.
    authorizationUrl URL pointing to AuthorizeServer API file. We are running ruby sample in 3000 port(http://localhost:3000/api/v1/authorizes).
    EmbedSecret You could get your EmbedSecret key from Embed tab by enabling Enable embed authentication in Administration page
    UserEmail UserEmail of the Admin in your Bold BI, which would be used to authorize the server
  3. Please get the item ID of the dashboard from the BI server. Kindly refer to this link and the screenshot provided below. Get Dashboard Id

  4. Then, run your Ruby on Rails sample.

  5. The dashboard can be rendered in design mode or created with the following changes in the embedSample() method.

    function embedSample() {
           var boldbiEmbedInstance = BoldBI.create({
           serverUrl: "http://localhost:5000/bi/site/site1",
           dashboardId: "", //Provide item id to render it in design mode,to create dashboard remove this property
           embedContainerId: "dashboard",
           embedType: BoldBI.EmbedType.Component,
           environment: BoldBI.Environment.Enterprise, // If Cloud, you should use BoldBI.Environment.Cloud
           mode: BoldBI.Mode.Design,
           height: "800px",
           width: "1200px",
           authorizationServer: {
               url: "http://localhost:3000/api/v1/authorizes"
           expirationTime: "100000",
    serverUrl Dashboard Server BI URL (ex: http://localhost:5000/bi/site/site1,
    dashboardId Provide the dashboard id of the dashboard you want to embed in view or edit mode. Ignore this property to create new dashboard.
    embedContainerId Container Id in which dashboard renders.It should not contain hypen.
    mode In which mode you want to render dashboard. It can either be 'View' or 'Design' mode.
    expirationTime Set the duration for the token to be alive.
    authorizationServer Url of the 'GetEmbedDetails' action in the application.

How this sample works

  1. To authorize the server URL, you will call the GetEmbedDetails function using the API (http://localhost:3000/api/v1/authorizes) with the provided EmbedProperties values, based on the dashboard provided in the embed properties. Get Embed Details

  2. In the previous authorization, the SignatureUrl has been generated using the provided EmbedSecret key and the embed details have been validated in Bold BI. After the details are validated, the dashboard starts to render in the index.html.erb file.

  3. In the Index.html.erb, change the dashboard ID of the respective dashboard as you wish to embed. Set Dashboard Id

Steps to create new Ruby on Rails application to embed dashboard

  1. Install Ruby using the provided installer and accept the license.

  2. Once installed, check the version of Ruby by using the command prompt ruby -v.

  3. To install rails, run the command gem install rails. To check the version of rails, run the command rails -v.

  4. To create a new application, run the command rails new myApp --database=postgresql. Here, myApp is the folder name, and postgresql is the database used. Ruby on Rails uses SQLite as the default database, so any other database needs to be specified in the command.

  5. Change the file directory using the command cd myApp and then run rails s to start the application. Open your browser and go to localhost://3000 to view the Ruby on Rails welcome page.

  6. In the index.html.erb file, include the required file within the <head> tag. Within the <body> tag, call the embedSample() method and create a DOM element with the id dashboard as shown.

           <%= javascript_include_tag "", "data-turbolinks-track" => true  %>
       <body onload="embedSample();">
           <div id="dashboard"></div>
           function embedSample() {
                   var boldbiEmbedInstance = BoldBI.create({
                       //Bold BI server URL (ex: http://localhost:5000/bi/site/site1,
                       serverUrl: "http://localhost:64503/bi/site/site1",
                       //Get and set the item id of the dashboard to embed from BI server(
                       dashboardId: "",
                       embedContainerId: "dashboard",
                       embedType: BoldBI.EmbedType.Component,
                       //Your Bold BI application environment. (If Cloud, you should use `Cloud`, if Enterprise, you should use `Enterprise`)
                       environment: BoldBI.Environment.Enterprise, // If Cloud, you should use BoldBI.Environment.Cloud
                       height: "800px",
                       width: "1200px",
                       authorizationServer: {
                       //URL pointing to AuthorizeServer API file. We are running ruby sample in 3000 port(http://localhost:3000/api/v1/authorizes). Learn more about authorize server(
                           url: "http://localhost:3000/api/v1/authorizes"
                       expirationTime: "100000",//Set the duration for the token to be alive.
  7. In the embedSample() method, create an instance to render the dashboard by using the loadDashboard() method.

  8. In the authorize_controller.rb file, define the variables embedSecret and userEmail for authorization purposes. Invoke the method getEmbedDetails(), which uses the method getSignatureUrl() to generate the algorithm.

    In the getEmbedDetails() API, the embedQuerString, userEmail, and the value from the GetSignatureUrl() method are appended as query parameters in the URL to get details of a particular dashboard. Then, run the application.

       class Api::V1::AuthorizesController < ApplicationController
       skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token
       def create 
           #Get the EmbedSecret key from Bold BI(
           @embedSecret = ""
           #Enter your Bold BI credentials
           @userEmail = ""
           @EmbedQueryString = params[:embedQuerString]
           @DashboardServerApiUrl = params[:dashboardServerApiUrl]
           render :json => Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse(@ApiUrl))
       def getEmbedDetails
           @EmbedQueryString = @EmbedQueryString << "&embed_user_email=" << @userEmail
           @EmbedSignature = "&embed_signature=" + @signature;
           @EmbedDetailsUrl = "/embed/authorize?" + @EmbedQueryString.downcase + @EmbedSignature;
           @ApiUrl = @DashboardServerApiUrl << @EmbedDetailsUrl
       def getSignatureUrl
           @EmbedQueryString = @EmbedQueryString.downcase
           @hmac = OpenSSL::HMAC.digest('sha256', @embedSecret, @EmbedQueryString)
           @signature = Base64.strict_encode64(@hmac)