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This document explains how to add the localization file in version 4.2.69 or below. To add localization files in Bold BI from version 5.1.55.

Localization Support in Bold BI Application

Localization is the process of adapting a website into different linguistic and cultural contexts, involving much more than the simple translation of the text.

By default, Bold BI application is available in English (en-US) localization.

Refer to the following documentation to add a new localization and to edit the existing localization.

How to generate the localization file for another language

We can generate the locale files in two ways as follows:

  1. Manual edit
  2. Auto-generate using online tools

Follow these common steps for both ways:

  1. Create a new folder inside the locale folder, which is present in the Bold BI application in the following location.

    Check the following location for Bold BI version 4.1.36 or later.

NOTE: By default, Bold BI is deployed in the C:\BoldServices location for Windows.

Application Location
Idp {Deployed Location}\idp\web\locale
Ums {Deployed Location}\idp\ums\locale
Bi {Deployed Location}\bi\web\locale
BiDesigner {Deployed Location}\bi\dataservice\locale

Check the following location for Bold BI Linux server.

NOTE: By default, Bold BI is deployed in the /var/www/bold-services/application location for Linux.

Application Location
Idp /var/www/bold-services/application/idp/web/locale
Ums /var/www/bold-services/application/idp/ums/locale
Bi /var/www/bold-services/application/bi/web/locale
BiDesigner /var/www/bold-services/application/bi/dataservice/locale

Check the following location for Bold BI version below 4.1.36.

NOTE: By default, Bold BI is deployed in C:\Bold BI.

Application Location
IDP {Deployed Location}\IDP\locale
UMS {Deployed Location}\IDP\UMS\locale
Dashboard Server {Deployed Location}\Dashboard Server\locale
Dashboard Designer {Deployed Location}\Dashboard Designer\locale
  1. Specify the folder name in the locale language code for the language you wish to generate the localization file for.

  2. In this case, a folder named fr-fr was created, which corresponds to the French language code.


Manual edit

  1. Copy the default.po file in the locale folder and paste it into the newly created folder. Then, change the name of the file to messages.po.

Within this file, there are two variables present: msgid and msgstr.

msgid - It contains the product content in the default language.

msgstr - The field is empty and it displays the translated language.

  1. Convert the content in the msgid into the equivalent language of the localization support that you want. Replace this converted content into the empty string in msgtr.

  2. Change the locale language code at the top of the messages.po file.

The sample converted locale file will appear as follows.


Auto-generate using any tools

  1. Use the online site to generate the localization file.

  2. Browse to select the default.po file in the locale folder.


  3. Change the language in the TO option to the language in which you want to generate the localization file


  4. Select the Analyze option and then click Translate.



  5. At the top of the page, there is an icon for downloading the file. Use it to download the file.


  6. Change the downloaded file name to messages.po and paste it into the newly created localize folder.

NOTE: You will need to run the locale utility for Bold BI version 4.2.68 or later

How to generate the locale JS file

  1. Download the Locale Utility Once the download is completed, extract the .zip file.

  2. Open the appsettings.json file in an editor and modify the boldbi_custom_locale_path to the deployed path of the designer locale files.


  1. Run the BoldBI.Locale.Utility.exe file.


  1. Once you have run the utility, a locale.js file will be generated in the newly created localize folder path of the designer locale.

Where to change the localization in application

Global language settings

In the Bold UMS application, you can set the global language. This language is applied to UMS, IDP, and Dashboard Server when no language is selected in site settings or user preference settings.


Site language settings

Change the localization in the site settings page. By default, site language settings inherit the language from global language settings. If you want to change the language, you can change it to the desired language.

Admin can enforce this language for all users. If the admin enforces this language, then user preference settings are disabled.


User preference settings

Users can set their language preference in the profile page. By clicking the Update application language details through your account link on the profile page, they will be redirected to the IDP profile page where they can set their own language preference.


A user can set any language as their preferred language, and it will be applied on all sites. However, if the admin disables the user language preference on any site, the user’s preferred language will not be applied on that site.