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Connecting Bold BI to Mixpanel data source

You can connect to web services of popular sites like Mixpanel by selecting the connection type. To enable this connection, follow the given steps.

Click the Data Source button in the configuration panel to add a new data connection.

Data button

Click CREATE NEW to launch a new connection from the connection type panel.

Data source button

Select Mixpanel connection button in the connection type panel.

Mixpanel button

The NEW DATA SOURCE configuration window opens.

Mixpanel panel

Enter a valid REST API into the URL text box.

Refer to the Mixpanel API documentation for more information


Select the appropriate method for the REST API from the type combo box, which can be either GET or POST.

Method Mixpanel

Add header information by clicking ADD, if required.

Header Mixpanel

Choose an appropriate Refresh Settings for the REST API; it can be any one of the time intervals shown in the combo box.

Refresh web data connection

Choose an appropriate Data Format for the REST API; it can be either JSON or CSV in the type combo box.

Data web data connection

Choose an appropriate authentication type for the REST API; it can be either Basic HTTP Authentication or None (No Authentication) in the type combo box.

Authentication web data connection

Click the Preview & Connect button in the NEW DATA SOURCEconfiguration panel.

Connection type

Choose Schema(s) window opens. You can select the schema and click Connect.

Schema window

Now, you can enter the data design view window with the selected table schema. Drag and drop the table.

Data view

Click Save button to save the data source with valid name.


Data Transformation

Editing a Data Connection

Dashboard Designer Walkthrough