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Connecting Bold BI to Parquet data source

Bold BI dashboard designer supports the connection of Parquet files.

Choose an Parquet data source

To configure the Parquet data source, follow these steps:

  1. Click Data Sources in the configuration panel to add a new data connection.

    Data source icon

  2. Click CREATE NEW to launch a new connection from the connection panel.

  3. Select the Parquet connection in the connection panel.

    Choose data source

NOTE: You can also create a data source from the home page by clicking the Data Sources menu in the left menu panel and selecting Create Data Source from the data sources page.

Choose data source from server


In Advanced category, It will Redirect to the Bold ETL. Refer Bold ETL.


In the Basic Category, It will act as the connector in Bold BI. And need to follow the below steps.

Connect to Parquet

Create an Parquet data source

After clicking on the data source, the NEW DATA SOURCE configuration panel opens. Follow the given steps to create a Parquet data source:

  1. Enter a name and description (optional) for the data source.

  2. Upload a file based on selected file type data source.

Parquet Connection

NOTE: You can preview data with a file size less than or equal to 200 megabytes. You can also edit the connection information set here using the Edit Connection option.

Preview and data import

  1. Click Preview and Connect to connect with the configurations set.

  2. The Choose Schema(s) dialog box opens. The schema represents the key fields of data from the uploaded file. This dialog box displays a list of schemas in tree view and their corresponding values in a grid for preview. Select the required schema(s) from the tree view to use in the designer and click Connect.


NOTE: The Preview Data shows the supported columns as enabled and the unsupported ones as disabled in the checkbox options. The data from the supported columns will be extracted from the data source.

  1. Now, the data design view page with the selected table schema opens. Drag the table.

    Query Editor

  2. Click Save to save the data source with a relevant name.

Data Transformation

Editing a Data Connection

Dashboard Designer Walkthrough