The Bold BI dashboard designer supports connecting to Slack web services through the REST API.
To configure the Slack data source, follow the below steps:
Click on the Data Sources button in the configuration panel to add a new data connection.
Click CREATE NEW to launch a new connection from the connection panel.
Select the Slack connection in the connection panel.
NOTE: You can also create a data source from the home page by clicking on the Data Sources menu on the left menu panel and selecting Create Data Source from the data sources page.
In the Advanced category, It will Redirect to the Bold ETL. Refer Bold ETL.
In the Basic Category, It will act as the connector in Bold BI. And need to follow the below steps.
Once you click on the data source, the NEW DATA SOURCE configuration panel will open. Follow the below steps to create Slack data source.
You can also edit the connection information set here using the Edit Connection option.
Refresh Settings | The period of time before the next refresh call is triggered. This will automatically trigger a call to the API configured in the data source to keep the data up to date. |
User conversations
Channels Groups
Click Preview & Connect to connect with the configurations that have been set.
The Choose Schema(s) dialog opens. The schema represents the key fields of JSON data retrieved from Slack Rest API request. This dialog displays a list of schemas in a treeview and its corresponding values in grid for preview. Select required schema(s) from treeview to use in designer and click Connect.
Now, the data design view page with the selected table schema opens. Drag and drop the table.
Click Save to save the data source with a relevant name.
If you have already logged into the account and authenticated with the web data source, the account information will be listed here. You can select one of the accounts or connect to a new account by clicking the Connect New Account button.
You can edit, delete and re-authorize this account from the Connected Accounts page.